HeldItem-Slot not working on world change
juancruzdal opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Plugin version: 5.0.6-RELEASE-b395
Spigot: Paper 1.8.8
I set in the config this:
HeldItem-Slot: 2
HeldItem-Triggers: JOIN, WORLD-SWITCH
DataTags: true
That doesn't exist in the release version, it was added in the snapshots.
Sorry about that, resolved in the latest snapshot; http://ci.craftationgaming.com/job/ItemJoin/488/
This bug has been officially fixed in the release of ItemJoin v5.0.7.
You can grab it here; Download: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/itemjoin.12661/download?version=354306
Please read the changelog as the documentation has not been updated yet;