Setting limit-modes: SURVIVAL, ADVENTURE causes item to not respect mode
czerk89 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
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Describe The Bug
Using limit-modes: SURVIVAL, ADVENTURE
causes the item to generate in a CREATIVE world on world-switch. But using limit-modes: SURVIVAL
does not cause the item to generate in a CREATIVE world on world-switch.
Expected Behavior
The item shouldn't generate in a CREATIVE world when limit-modes: SURVIVAL, ADVENTURE
is set.
Steps To Reproduce
- Create a CREATIVE world
- Create this item
charge-color: RED
name: '&eSuperhero Token'
slot: 6
- '&7Press mine to turn on superhero mode.'
- '&7'
- '&7Press place to turn off superhero mode.'
- 'console: heal %player%'
- 'console: god %player%'
- 'console: fly %player% on'
- 'message: &eYou can fly and no longer be hurt.'
- 'player: [close]'
- 'console: heal %player%'
- 'console: ungod %player%'
- 'console: fly %player% off'
- 'message: &eYou can no longer fly and can be hurt again.'
- 'player: [close]'
commands-sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING
commands-cooldown: 1
itemflags: inventory-modify, hide-flags, death-drops, self-drops, unbreakable, item-store, overwrite, cancel-events, inventory-close, move-next, death-keep, placement, death-drops
triggers: join, respawn, gamemode-switch, world-switch
permission-node: itemjoin.dragonhub
enabled-worlds: world
into the creative world. You'll have thesuperhero-item
when you shouldn't.
But if you change limit-modes
to limit-modes: SURVIVAL
, then it works. Using both SURVIVAL & ADVENTURE causes it not to work. But only SURVIVAL works.
Additional Info
No response
- I am running latest version of this resource.
- I have read the wiki to make sure it's not an issue with configuration.
- I ticked all of these boxes without actually reading them.
- I have checked that my bug report is unique and a previous report does not exist.
Okay, so this issue was specific to Multiverse.
Turns out the LIMIT-SWITCH was triggering before WORLD-SWITCH and the world-switching was using the previously cached gamemode at the time of entering the creative world. This was due to the items-Delay defined in the items.yml.
I have made it so only the limit-switch trigger passes the gamemode while others like (respawn, world-switch, join, etc) check at the time of giving the item instead of using a cached instance.
Remember to remove your old ItemJoin.jar file
Seems to be working well now.
Let me know!~
EDIT: Offical release is now available;