I don't understand where the error is, please help
Quesivee opened this issue · 1 comments
Server Version
Paper 1.20.4
Resource Version
ItemJoin v6.0.7
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- I am running latest version of this resource.
- I have read the wiki to make sure it's not an issue with configuration.
- I ticked all of these boxes without actually reading them.
- I have checked that my help request is unique and another request does not exist.
- I acknowledge this is not a bug report and is instead a help request.
So if you do as the error says and go to https://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/ and copy-paste your items.yml it will show you this error;
The issue is you have your menu item indented larger than the grand canyon, reeling it back in to normal spacing resolves the error. This is described to you on the website as shown in the error which is pointing at the first line being the issue (menu-server)
Furthermore, the rest of the data under the menu-server item is missing its spacing, also your itemflags were incorrectly listed.
Here are your fixed items;
# This is the section that the custom created items will be stored.
# All created items should be saved under the 'items' section for each 'custom-item' subsection.
id: BOOK
slot: 8
name: '&fМеню'
- '&lГлавное меню сервера!'
- 'player: menu'
command-cooldown: 1
itemflags: death-drops, self-drops
triggers: join, respawn
enabled-world: ALL
You may find it easier to use the in-game /itemjoin menu
to create and modify your items.
I went ahead and changed the error URL to https://yamlchecker.com/ instead as it is a bit more user-friendly and highlights the specific area causing the error along with a short description of the problem.