- 3
Hide Attributes
#37 opened by Lemrigue - 4
Server lags when someone joins
#36 opened by llaurenss - 3
Duplicating item on relogging?
#35 opened by AngryJebus - 5
Arbitrary slot
#34 opened - 10
Problem with PlayerJoinEvent
#33 opened by afronights - 2
Itemjoin 2.9 Errors On Join & Reload
#32 opened by TNZGriff - 5
Item says unknown command
#31 opened - 7
#30 opened - 24
Delay doesn't affect on respawn and on world change
#29 opened by llaurenss - 4
Command events
#28 opened - 13
Items not changed on world change!
#27 opened by Joopie123 - 12
Errors with itemjoin 2.7
#26 opened by BearJW - 2
give-on-modifier "spawn" not working
#25 opened - 5
Items always added on Join
#24 opened by BrianTheStangLover - 7
Item Error on respawn
#23 opened by BrianTheStangLover - 3
ItemJoin v2.6 error.
#22 opened by Toorastic - 2
Player Head
#21 opened by Toorastic - 3
Error with EntityShootBowEvent
#20 opened by PlutoCakes - 2
Offhand Item Support
#19 opened by zocmoc57 - 6
First Join Not Giving Items If PlayerUUID.dat Does not exist.
#18 opened by kugick - 6
ItemJoin only works when player is an Op
#17 opened by doublespaces - 2
ItemJoin w'ont open ChestCommands menu
#16 opened by FaNt4zMa - 4
UTF-8 encoding
#15 opened by lautriva - 6
Firework Rockets Item?
#14 opened by M2HF - 12
#13 opened by ryandis44 - 9
Question/Issue about Items.yml Commands
#12 opened by Zenoxez - 1
V 2.3 Not Working...
#11 opened by Zenoxez - 6
Work perfectly fine for a couple of minutes...
#10 opened by LudusMC - 4
No items
#9 opened by F0xyYT - 6
Yet another "doesn't work on my server" issue...
#8 opened by LudusMC - 2
Group items
#7 opened by mixerrules - 2
Link item
#6 opened by mixerrules - 19
not working in my server
#5 opened by powercoque - 1
give-on-world-change: Bug
#4 opened by zogoria - 1
not working on my server pls help
#3 opened by HeimTechniker - 2
Disallowed Inventory Movement Only On Menu Items
#2 opened by xSparky911x - 2
Custom Book On Join?
#1 opened by tjbruce17594