/marry tp & /marry gift accept/ deny
dushanbe7 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hello, could you add these as commands, if someone is sending you a gift or he/she wants to teleport to you, you have to accept/ deny it. It's really a problem this way because if you have , for an example, a PvP arena, where you are playing 1 vs 1, someone is sending you Notch apples, armors etc. with gift command, or even ports to a player . We are using plugins such as Duels etc. so our players can play 1 vs 1 fair and square, and these two commands are making this impossible. If you add it so a player has to accept certain gift or teleportation, that way we can blacklist commends like /marry gift accept, /marry tp accept in arena and other regions where we don't want to allow that type of exploitation. At least add those commends as optional, if someone likes it the way it is now they can still use it without any changes. We are using your plugin for quite a while now and we are very pleased with it. Sorry for the long post, all the best.
Should be done with this build.