Not sharing XP
Ellendyra opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Environment information
Plugin + server version info:
08.02 22:38:24 [Server] INFO Marriage Master: 2.1.2-Release
08.02 22:38:24 [Server] INFO Server: git-Paper-93 (MC: 1.15.2)
08.02 22:38:24 [Server] INFO MVdWPlaceholderAPI: 3.0.1
08.02 22:38:24 [Server] INFO PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.4
08.02 22:38:24 [Server] INFO mcMMO: 2.1.114
08.02 22:38:24 [Server] INFO ##### End Marriage Master version info #####
08.02 22:38:24 [Multicraft] Ellendyra ran command: marry version
Online mode: yes
BungeeCord: no
Server/crash log
<!-- Replace this with your crash log / link to your log file -->
Plugin config (optional)
# MarriageMaster Config File
# Language Settings
# Defines the used language and the corresponding file used. The corresponding language file will be placed next to the config.yml named: <Language>.yml
Language: en
# Options:
# Overwrite (deletes all changes from the file and extracts a new language file)
# Upgrade (extracts a new language file and copy's all settings from the old language file)
# Update (adds the default (english) text values for all missing values, just some basic formatting)
UpdateMode: Upgrade
# Database Settings
# SQLite = data stored in SQLite file, MySQL = data stored in MySQL database (see selection below), Shared = use shared connection pool from PCGF PluginLib
Type: SQLite
# Defines the storage format for UUIDs for compatibility with other plugins (shared user table).
# true: format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
# false: format: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
UseUUIDSeparators: false
# Options: auto, online, offline | auto will decide based on the server online mode option.
# If you are using BungeeCord, set it to whatever you use on your BungeeCord server!!!
UUID_Type: auto
Host: 'localhost'
Database: 'minecraft'
User: 'minecraft'
Password: 'minecraft'
# The max amount of connections to the database the connection pool will open.
# You may want to adjust this setting based on the load of your database server and the amount of players.
MaxConnections: 2
# Allows to set the connection properties.
# Properties: ["useSSL=false"]
Properties: []
User: marry_players
Partner: marry_partners
Home: marry_home
Priests: marry_priests
# Settings controlling the cache behavior of the plugin. You may can optimize it a little bit depending on your player count, ram or cpu bottlenecks.
# The strategie used to uncache offline players. Options
# interval (offline players get uncached every x seconds)
# intervalChecked (like interval, but also ensures that the player is already offline for at lest the interval time, add's a cpu overhead)
# ondisconnect (player instantly gets uncached as soon as he disconnects from the server, may adds overhead if other plugins try to access the player data when they go offline, also it may be problematic for players with unstable connections)
# ondisconnectdelayed (player gets uncached x seconds after he went offline, adds overhead on disconnect, you shouldn't use this with a lot of players joining and leaving.)
Strategie: interval
# Used for the interval based uncaching algorithms. Also used as delay for ondisconnectdelayed. Value in seconds. Default: 600 = 10 minutes
Interval: 600
Delay: 600
# Defines if players need to get married by a priest or if they can marry each other on their own.
RequirePriest: true
# This option defines if a priest is needed to divorce 2 players or if they can divorce on their own.
# Options: true, false, auto (auto will copy the RequirePriest value)
DivorceRequiresPriest: auto
AllowMultiplePartners: true
# This setting disables the "/marry setpriest" command players can still be promoted to a priest with the "marry.priest" permission.
DisableSetPriestCommand: false
Enable: false
Force: false
# Surname requirements
AllowColors: false
AllowedCharacters: A-Za-z
# Values below 3 will be set to 3
MinLength: 3
# Values below the in length will be set to the min length
MaxLength: 16
AnnounceOnMarriage: true
Enable: true
AutoDialog: true
BothPlayersOnDivorce: false
OtherPlayerOnSelfDivorce: false
Enable: true
# Delay for online partners info on join. In seconds
JoinDelay: 0
# The prefix/suffix options do not work with all chat plugins
# If your chat plugin support placeholder APIs it would be better to use them! More details:
Enable: false
# Placeholders: {Surname}, {PartnerName}, {PartnerDisplayName}, {StatusHeart}, {MagicHeart}
String: "<heart>{PartnerName}<heart>"
OnLineBeginning: true
# This may don't work with all chat plugins!
Enable: false
# Placeholders: {Surname}, {PartnerName}, {PartnerDisplayName}
String: "{Surname}"
Enable: true
AllowInCreative: false
# List of worlds where players can't receive gifts
BlacklistedWorlds: []
# If this option is enabled the partner has to accept the gift.
RequireConfirmation: false
Enable: true
# Time between two kisses in seconds
WaitTime: 10
# How many hearths should be spawned
HearthCount: 20
UseFooter: true
EntriesPerPage: 8
AllowBlocking: true
Enable: true
# Values less or equals 1 will disable the bonus xp, but still allows to split xp between players
Multiplier: 2
# If enabled the picked up xp will be split between both players. So each player will receive (xp * multiplier / 2) xp
SplitXpOnPickup: true
Enable: false
# List of sources that should be excluded from the xp boost. The command source is always excluded!
ExcludeSources: []
Multiplier: 2
# If split is enabled the multiplied amount will be split between both partners. So each player will receive (xp * multiplier / 2) xp
SplitXp: true
Enable: true
Multiplier: 2
# If split is enabled the multiplied amount will be split between both partners. So each player will receive (xp * multiplier / 2) xp
SplitXp: true
# List of sources that should be excluded from the xp boost.
ExcludeSources: [ "COMMAND" ]
# List of skills that should be excluded from the xp boost.
ExcludeSkills: []
Enable: true
Multiplier: 2
Enabled: true
AllowSurveillance: false
# Ranges for actions
# -1 no range limit and no world limit, 0 no range limit but in the same world, >= 1 range limit in meters/blocks
Marry: 25.0
Divorce: 25.0
Backpack: 5
Gift: 0
Kiss: 2
KissInteract: 5
Hug: 2
HearthVisible: 128
BonusXP: -1
Heal: 3
# This settings will be used for all teleports (home and to partner)
Delay: false
# Time in seconds
DelayTime: 3
# List of worlds where you can't teleport to
BlacklistedWorlds: []
# This option controls whether a safety check is performed before the player is teleported.
CheckSafety: true
# If this option is enabled the partner has to accept the teleport request before the player will be teleported. Only applicable for teleporting to another player.
RequireConfirmation: false
Enable: true
Enable: false
Marry: 100.0
Divorce: 100.0
Tp: 25.0
Gift: 10.0
HomeTp: 25.0
SetHome: 100.0
# Allows the execution of commands on certain events related to the marriage
Enable: false
# General information about the command executor:
# The commands can contain placeholders in the format {PlaceholderName} (The {} is part of the name. The available placeholders are listed right about the event).
# Every event can executed multiple commands in the list. Commands do not have to start with / !
# Commands to be executed:
# Will be executed when two players marry, without a priest
# Allowed placeholders: {Player1}, {Player2}
# OnMarry: [ "eco give {Player1} 100", "pex user {Player2} add example.perm" ]
OnMarry: []
# Will be executed when two players marry by a priest
# Allowed placeholders: {Player1}, {Player2}, {Priest}
OnMarryWithPriest: []
# Will be executed when two players get divorced, without a priest
# Allowed placeholders: {Player1}, {Player2}
OnDivorce: []
# Will be executed when two players get divorced through a priest
# Allowed placeholders: {Player1}, {Player2}, {Priest}
OnDivorceWithPriest: []
# When auto-update is disabled you still can use the build-in update function manually with /marry update
AutoUpdate: true
# Enable this option if you are in a BungeeCord environment. It is also recommended to install the plugin on your BungeeCord server
UseBungeeCord: false
# Config File Version. Don't touch it!
Version: 96
Spouses don't seem to get XP from one another, not even the ones that only have one partner.
Steps to reproduce
We enabled Multiple partners. My mods got a little crazy and started marrying everyone to everyone else. I have 5 partners now. When I only had two partners it still worked. I've even upped the multiplier.
Expected behavior
I expected it to still share the XP amongst partners.
Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, screenshots, etc.)
Maybe make an option in the config to limit how many "Multiple partners" you can have. Maybe also make it so if your partner marries someone you are married to them too. Like a polyamours relationship instead of a secret family situation. I don't know if any of that would help with the problem tho.
I had increased the multiplier to 100 to try to see if that yielded us anything. A couple started gaining levels like crazy where I and one of my then 5 partners still didn't get anything.
So I divorced myself down to two partners and him down to 3 and I get XP when my one partner uses a grinder, but he doesn't get XP from when I use it.
I have added an config option that allows you to share the xp with all partners that are in range. You can find the build here (I have not fully tested it yet, so there might be bugs).