Global marry chat not working
Kryniowesegryderiusz opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Environment information
Plugin + server version info:
24.03 02:41:39 [Server] INFO ##### Start Marriage Master version info #####
24.03 02:41:39 [Server] INFO Marriage Master: 2.1.4-RC2-Release
24.03 02:41:39 [Server] INFO Server: git-Paper-125 (MC: 1.15.2)
24.03 02:41:39 [Server] INFO Java: 11.0.6
24.03 02:41:39 [Server] INFO Vault: 1.6.11
24.03 02:41:39 [Server] INFO MVdWPlaceholderAPI: 3.0.1
24.03 02:41:39 [Server] INFO PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.4
24.03 02:41:39 [Server] INFO ##### End Marriage Master version info #####
Online mode:
BungeeCord: yes
Im using bungeecord with paperspigots on 1.15.2. /marry tp is correctrly working from server to server, but /marry chat says that partner is offline if he is on other server. I have installed marriagemaster on Bungee, enabled global chat there and enabled bungee in spigots configs (as /marry tp is working fine)