Marriage Master

Marriage Master


Color code problem

jere62smi opened this issue · 2 comments


Hello, at times the plugin seems to force line breaks because the characters are too long in the chat, the problem is that it no longer displays the color code.

Here is an example on my screen and my translation:
Confirm: "&7[&4&lImperia&7] &2{DisplayName}&a veut t'épouser. Accepter la demande en mariage avec &2/marry accept &aou refusé avec &2/marry deny&a."


This is caused by how Minecraft is handling none JSON messages. I might improve converting non JSON messages to JSON in the future, but for now I have more important things to implement.

For now the workaround is to use JSON messages. I know they are annoying to work with, that's why we have developed the Plugin Translation Page. It provides a preview of the formatted message as well as an easy to use editor for JSON messages.
You can open your existing language file by using the Userdefined option in the Choose the language file you want to edit section.


Never mind, I just found a easy to implement solution as a temporary fix. I just use the MC 1.7 fallback code if the message is not JSON formatted. However, I would still recommend using JSON.
Should be fixed (for Bukkit only) with this build.

For reference: GeorgH93/PCGF_PluginLib#12