Marriage Master

Marriage Master


Plugin is not loading in most recent tuinity versions

LoSCraft-Network opened this issue ยท 2 comments



Environment information
Plugin + server version info:

Not able to, plugin does not start, I'm running the lastest version available in spigot

<!-- Replace this with the output of "/marry version". You can run the command in your console or as op ingame. -->Not able to, plugin does not start, I'm running the lastest version available in spigot

Online mode: No

BungeeCord: Yes, But not running plugin under Bungee

Server/crash log

<!-- Replace this with your crash log / link to your log file -->

Plugin config (optional)

<!-- Replace this with details about your config -->



Plugin does not load

Steps to reproduce

Start the server

Expected behavior

Plugin to start

Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, screenshots, etc.)

It might be a new version of tuinity that has caused the plugin to become some-what incompatible

I re-downloaded the jar and replaced it

I'll be back with the result later tonight when we restart the server


Have you tried re-downloading/uploading(to the server) the plugin? The log (Caused by: zip END header not found) indicates that the plugin file is damaged. You can also check the files integrity with it's checksum, the md5 sum of the latest version should be cc0560be1208f5904c8d771856425e0b.