Marriage Master

Marriage Master


Player Offline when trying to marry cross mode with Bungeecord support on

Skizzles opened this issue ยท 1 comments



Environment information
Plugin + server version info:

[02:59:13 INFO]: ##### Start Marriage Master version info #####
[02:59:13 INFO]: Marriage Master: 2.2.1-Release
[02:59:13 INFO]: Server: git-Paper-375 (MC: 1.15.2)
[02:59:13 INFO]: Java: 1.8.0_242
[02:59:13 INFO]: MVdWPlaceholderAPI: 3.1.1
[02:59:13 INFO]: PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.6
[02:59:13 INFO]: ##### End Marriage Master version info #####

Online mode: yes

BungeeCord: yes

Server/crash log

No crash/errors to report, only 
[03:00:27 INFO]: "playername" is offline!

Plugin config (optional)


States player is offline when trying to marry cross mode

Steps to reproduce
attempted to marry across mode

Expected behavior
Would expect it to allow marry across mode when bungeecord support is enabled

Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, screenshots, etc.)
I would allow players to marry across mode with bungeecord support, this would give a more integrated feeling to the plugin.


Both players have to be on the same server in order to get married.

If you have installed the plugin on all your servers (including the BungeeCord), have set the same database to all of them and enabled the config option the following features will work cross server: chat, tp, home
I am sorry, but I currently don't have enough time to add more cross server integrations.