BC prompt language file missing
zfms4188 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Environment information
Plugin + server version info:
2.6.5 1.7.10
<!-- Replace this with the output of "/marry version". You can run the command in your console or as op ingame. -->
Online mode:
Server/crash log
<!-- Replace this with your crash log / link to your log file -->
Plugin config (optional)
<!-- Replace this with details about your config -->
The language file does not lack the corresponding entry, the absence still indicates the absence
Steps to reproduce
Expected behavior
Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, screenshots, etc.)
Please update your BungeeCord or downgrade the MarriageMaster version used on BungeeCord to v2.6.2.
There have been no relevant changes on the BungeeCord side of the plugin that would effect your old version of BungeeCord.