Marriage Master

Marriage Master


Plugin loading is broken on the latest Paper version

dipolo12q opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Help request

It happened to me after updating the paper to its latest version, that both plugins don't want to initialize. It does not show other errors during the startup only that comes out when the plugins are activated.

Marriage Version: MarriageMaster v2.6.9-SNAPSHOT-Release

All logs that i get of marriagemaster
[22:59:18 INFO]: [MarriageMaster] Loading server plugin MarriageMaster v2.6.9-SNAPSHOT-Release
[22:59:18 INFO]: [MarriageMaster] PCGF-PluginLib not installed. Switching to standalone mode!
[22:59:18 INFO]: [MarriageMaster] File "/IMessage.jar" extracted successfully!

[22:48:18 INFO]: [MarriageMaster] Enabling MarriageMaster v2.6.9-SNAPSHOT-Release
[22:48:18 WARN]: [MarriageMaster] [BadRabbit] Failed to enable plugin.
[22:48:18 INFO]: [Minepacks] Enabling Minepacks v2.4.13-SNAPSHOT-Release
[22:48:18 WARN]: [Minepacks] [BadRabbit] Failed to enable plugin.

What I have tried

Reducing somo versions of paper


Unfortunately, the changes introduced in Paper for their new paper plugins break the loading logic of this plugin.
As a workaround, you can use this build.


Yes, just tried with the standalone a little while ago and apparently that's it, apparently the update that made paper broke several plugins, thanks in the same way.