[PlaceholderApi] Error on PAPI startup, containing mm related messages (?)
MithrandirCraft opened this issue ยท 11 comments
I may report this to PAPI if requested, allthough I get the sensation marriagemaster is related to this issue.
Spigot: 1.13.2
MarriageMaster: 2.0.5-RC3-Release
Error log: https://gist.github.com/MithrandirCraft/d3f1f39d738d95ffec64ab170aa3a5e0
Please remove the PAPI eCloud extension (It has already been removed from the extension cloud). It is not compatible and not needed with Marriage Master v2.
Also you can find the new Placeholder names here: https://github.com/GeorgH93/MarriageMaster/wiki/Placeholders
Yes, that should be the file, looks like it uses a slightly different name than what my plugin checks for.
ChatControl uses PlaceholderAPI, so it should be % instead of {}. %marriagemaster_heart% %marriagemaster_partner%
I'm using it inside one of these chatcontrol hover events, in formatting.ym Formats, the name shows some information, including marriage:
Message: '{nick} '
- '&8*-----* &f{player} &8*-----*'
- '&7Rango/s&8: &f{pl_group}'
- '&7Mundo: &f{world}'
- '&7Pareja: %marriagemaster_statusheart%'
Damn, ever since the update everything from marriage broke u_u
I'm using PAPI 2.10.3
ChatControl: 8.3.0
Could you please try if /papi parse <some random player> %marriagemaster_statusheart%
If it works, the problem is caused by ChatControl and there is nothing I can do about that. Since it is a premium plugin I can not test it.
Please check your log if Marriage Master has successfully hooked into PlaceholderAPI (there should be this message during the Marriage Master startup: [MarriageMaster] PlaceholderAPI hook was successfully registered!
I have just tested it with the latest free version of the plugin. It's working with these settings in ChatControl:
Enabled: true
Message_Format: '%marriagemaster_statusheart% %pl_prefix%player:%pl_suffix %message'