Higher hug titlemsg show time
TheoRetisch1 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
The message at /hug flashes too briefly to be realized if you don't pay attention to it permanently. Could you display the message longer? I would suggest the following: 0.5 fade in, 4 sec showing and 0.5 sec fade out. It would be even more fun if you could configure the display duration time in the config!
You can configure it in the language file by adding a new <MessageName>_Parameters
key like this:
GotHugged: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"&eYour partner has hugged you!\"}]"
GotHugged_SendMethod: "title"
GotHugged_Parameters: "{\"subtitle\":false,\"fadeIn\":10,\"stay\":80,\"fadeOut\":10}"
The times are in ticks.
That's genius! Very variable your plugin, could you also tell me how to adjust the size of the title?
Or if editing the title in Minecraft is not possible (I can't find anything about it) how the hell do I make the bossbarmsg stay visible longer? I'm too stupid when it comes to using the JSON format. I hope I'm not overusing your help xD.
That's genius! Very variable your plugin, could you also tell me how to adjust the size of the title?
You use the smaller titles by setting the subtitle flag to true like that:
GotHugged: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"&eYour partner has hugged you!\"}]"
GotHugged_SendMethod: "title"
GotHugged_Parameters: "{\"subtitle\":true,\"fadeIn\":10,\"stay\":80,\"fadeOut\":10}"
Or if editing the title in Minecraft is not possible (I can't find anything about it) how the hell do I make the bossbarmsg stay visible longer? I'm too stupid when it comes to using the JSON format. I hope I'm not overusing your help xD.
The boss-bar support and customization is currently not implemented (will probably be done with v2.1).
Thank you for the quick response! If I set the subtitle flag to true no message is send:
GotHugged: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"&eDein Partner hat dich umarmt!\"}]"
GotHugged_SendMethod: "title"
GotHugged_Parameters: "{\"subtitle\":true,\"fadeIn\":10,\"stay\":80,\"fadeOut\":10}"
However the two other methods work:
GotHugged: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"&eDein Partner hat dich umarmt!\"}]"
GotHugged_SendMethod: "title"
GotHugged_Parameters: "{\"subtitle\":false,\"fadeIn\":10,\"stay\":80,\"fadeOut\":10}"
-> sends a giant title nobody can read
GotHugged: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"&eDein Partner hat dich umarmt!\"}]"
GotHugged_SendMethod: "action_bar"
GotHugged_Parameters: "{\"subtitle\":false,\"fadeIn\":10,\"stay\":80,\"fadeOut\":10}"
-> sends a perfectly small action_bar title, that vanishes away too quickly.
Which MC version are you using?
Action bar messages are treated by the game like normal chat messages and thus do not support custom time values.
Subtitles should be fixed with the latest release build: https://github.com/GeorgH93/MarriageMaster/releases/download/v2.0.9/MarriageMaster-2.0.9-Release.jar