Health regen doesn't work
Lethgir opened this issue · 4 comments
Environment information
Plugin + server version info: Plugin 2.0.14 spigot 1.14.4
16:28:09 [INFOS] Prod1.14 > ##### Start Marriage Master version info #####
16:28:09 [INFOS] Prod1.14 > Marriage Master: 2.0.14-Release
16:28:09 [INFOS] Prod1.14 > Server: git-Spigot-065a373-763e560 (MC: 1.14.4)
16:28:09 [INFOS] Prod1.14 > Minepacks: 2.0.10-Release
16:28:09 [INFOS] Prod1.14 > PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.3
16:28:09 [INFOS] Prod1.14 > ##### End Marriage Master version info #####
Online mode: no (with bungeecord)
BungeeCord: yes
Plugin config (optional)
Enable: true
Multiplier: 1000
Marry: 25.0
Divorce: 25.0
Backpack: 5
Gift: 0
Kiss: 2
KissInteract: 5
Hug: 2
HearthVisible: 128
BonusXP: 10.0
Heal: 3
Iit looks health regen doesn't work, the regen is the same than vanilla no matter the value of multiplier (2 or 1000).
Steps to reproduce
Marry two players
Give damage to one of them
Check the health regen
Divoce two players
Give damage to one of them
Check the health regen
Both regen are the same
Expected behavior
The player should have a better regen than vanilla.
I tried the same thing than you and player is still not healed.
Plugins (54): AdvancedAchievements, BlockParticles, BlowableObsidians, BungeeBridgeC, BungeeJoinMessages, BungeeTabListPlus, BungeeTeleport, BuycraftX, ChatManager, Citizens, CitizensCMD, CMI, ConsoleSpamFix, CrazyAuctions, CrazyCrates, CrazyEnchantments, EnchantableBlocks, Factions, FactionsTop, Itemizer, JupiterCore, LuckPerms, MarriageMaster, MassiveBooks, MassiveCore, Minepacks, MMOItems, MovingDevApi, Multiverse-Core, MythicArtifacts, MythicMobs, MythicMobsExtension, obsidianraider, OldCombatMechanics, PlaceholderAPI, PlugMan, ProtocolLib, QuantumShop, RandomTeleport, Rankup, RewardPRO, SkMorkaz, SkQuery, skRayFall, Skript, skUtilities, SuperTrails, VariableTime, Vault, WorldBorder, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags
Problem is caused by OldCombatMechanics. The plugin does not have an API so the only way to make the healing bonus work is by disabling the old-player-regen
in the OldCombatMechanics config.
I am not able to reproduce this problem. With a multiplier of 1000 the player should be at max health basically instant.
For my testing I set the multi to 1000, drop the hp of a married player to 1 heart, and place the player 20 blocks away form the partner, then I eat something so that the player starts healing, it will heal at a rate of about ½ heart every time it heals, than I teleport the player to it's partner (/marry tp) and the next time the health increases it goes to 100%.
It could be caused by some other plugin, could you provide me with a list of other installed plugins?