- 1
Cannot use Chinese name
#222 opened by zfms4188 - 3
RGB in nicknames
#221 opened by ItsHammy - 1
Add option of a daily fee to be charged to maintain the marriage
#220 opened by thiagogebrimm - 3
Manually Adding tp home chat Permissions Doesn't Work
#219 opened by jahua50 - 1
Can`t find at.pcgamingfreaks.Command.HelpData class/interface
#218 opened by Blaxor - 2
Continue from #216: No permission issue: unable to use /marry home, /marry tp, and /marry chat
#217 opened by jahua50 - 3
No permission issue: unable to use /marry home, /marry tp, and /marry chat
#216 opened by jahua50 - 0
No permission to do /marry home, /marry tp, and /marry chat
#215 opened by jahua50 - 0
Check world blacklist before moving the player to the other server when using /marry tp
#214 opened by GeorgH93 - 1
Error on /Marry Gift
#213 opened by Strahilchu - 1
Chat fix
#212 opened by Pupsaran - 3
Plugin Compile Error Against API
#211 opened by silverwolfg11 - 2
Console Error
#210 opened by LucidAPs - 1
Add Korean translation (there is a file)
#209 opened by nothinghappen599 - 1
Bypass blacklisted world/server with a permission
#208 opened by TNTUP - 5
Issues trying use the API
#207 opened by sarry20 - 1
Marriage Master exception
#205 opened by darkdragon0226 - 5
Teleporting to partner in negative layers doesn't work
#204 opened by thiagogebrimm - 0
Add marriage limit in the multiple partners
#203 opened by thiagogebrimm - 1
Marry sethomes are getting cleared after every server restart
#202 opened by cloakfox - 1
The mysql is broken
#201 opened by TUSZzzz - 2
Error on Logout
#200 opened by ZEROOblivious - 4
Marry gift doesn't work
#199 opened by TheoRetisch1 - 1
Unable to DM on Spigot
#198 opened by SethAquauis - 0
Minecraft 1.17 support
#197 opened by GeorgH93 - 12
mysql connection of servers does not sync/fail
#196 opened by hkkongou - 4
Marry seen error + no dev build update possible
#195 opened by TheoRetisch1 - 3
Could not pass event MarriedPlayerJoinEvent/PlayerInteractEntityEvent in "normal mode"
#194 opened by hkkongou - 0
Feature Request: Shared Inventories
#193 opened by EpicRealms - 1
receiving in creative
#192 opened by 100petr - 2
themselves marry
#191 opened by 100petr - 1
Marry info command
#190 opened by GeorgH93 - 2
#189 opened - 2
Don't know how to turn {} into a Component - ERROR
#188 opened by Aides123 - 4
/marry home No permission error
#187 opened by jiajunmao - 1
Question about giving commands
#185 opened by foxinnit - 1
#184 opened by Nxtstressed - 5
Use as a business partnership or friendship plugin?
#183 opened by Momshroom - 4
The /accept command is taking the server down.
#182 opened by Zireaphus - 1
Please add a Space after Heart
#181 opened by JHiroshige - 3
Polish item translation
#180 opened by szumielxd - 1
Chat heart in EssentialsX plugin
#179 opened - 2
Marry home resets after server restart
#178 opened by jordanwilliams1 - 1
/Marry Gift BUG with ProCosmetics Plugin
#177 opened by BboyZeroOne - 6
Marry homes are automatically deleted after a server restart
#176 opened by TheoRetisch1 - 1
Admin commands
#175 opened by austv - 3
Placeholder Issues
#174 opened by CyberSheppie - 2
LuckPerms compatibility
#172 opened by Brokkonaut - 2
1.8 Compatibility
#170 opened by LucidAPs - 1
/marry home auto delete after restart
#169 opened by Threshian