TnT Blows Up signs attached to memory stones.
ryantheleach opened this issue ยท 5 comments
tnt will blow up signs attached to memory stones, but not blow up memory stones.
I was expecting the memorystones and signs to be protected from non permission players and all other forms of destruction.
Strange - StructureBlockListener:49 should handle protection for the structure itself, cancelling the explosion. I can see the sign being affected though, if the explosion doesn't touch the actual stone structure though - will have to fix that.
I'm also not entirely happy with having to cancel the entire explosion, would prefer everything else around it to blow up, just not the structure, but I don't know of a workaround - I can't just replace the structure after the event because it might yield the materials for the structure, not great :P
oh, nice :) that's handy to know! ye - hope that no one puts theirs really high :P
I've been looking around the java docs and I believe all we would have to do is edit our blocks out of the blocklist of the explosion.
The real trick is to make this listeners priority really really early, so plugins like creeperheal don't freak out.
High as in early or late? that's always confused me, I prefer to think of it as being called early on or late as events can be cancelled and even un-cancelled several times if there is enough plugins :S
I personally hope CreeperHeal is using the MONITOR lever priority as that's supposed to be read only and happens last to see the results of anything before it however I don't know enough about how the bukkit events work to see where the priority is set.