Mobgrinding on animals with "0" money rewarded
Nesseley opened this issue ยท 3 comments
If you have a cowfarm (like this one
And you kill alot of cows you will get grindingpenaly, even if money for cow is set to 0.
This grindingspot dont go away and you will loose your killstreaks for killing cows wich gives 0 money..
This will aply for every sigle mob that dont give money, not just cows
I've had this problem on a few versions and on your newest one (
Notice that I test BOTH if the money is 0 AND if the run_cmd = "".
And please enable /mh debug and give the output from the log.
I do have run_cmd enabled so that is probably why it got detected as grindingspot. Didn't know that was a thing, thanks! :D (makes sense when I think about it)