Mobhunting dropping money on playerkill?
Nesseley opened this issue ยท 10 comments
I see that
Set rob-from-victim=true to steal from the victim or
rob-from-victim=false to get the reward money from the server.
rob-from-victim: false/true
I dont want them to get money at all, only headdrops, is it possible for you to add "none" here? for not dropping money at kills?
If you have "rob-from-victim=false" they will not get money. But I think you will need to remove the reward for killing a player too (pvp-kill-prize=0), if you dont want them to get money for killing players.
rob-from-victim is about where the money come from. If true the money comes from the dead player, if false the money reward comes from the server.
Or May be you just set "pvp_allowed= false" :-) The config.yml says this should work.
Thanks for closing tickets when you think the issue is fixed and creating new ones when you find new issues! :-) This helps me a lot!!!!
Sorry for beeing slow.
It does not work like I want it to.
With pvp= false it will not drop the playerheads.
I want it to only drop heads, no money. There is no option for this.
Okay, I will have to look at it again...
But why dont you set the pvp_prize to 0 and then it should work?
When I set it to 0 it reset back to 1.5% (default)
It was the first thing I tried, I can try again I guess