Llama problem on 1.8 EntityDeathEvent and CreatureSpawnEvent
hsombini opened this issue ยท 2 comments
There're two erros caused by Llama entity that does not exists on 1.8,
StackTrace https://hastebin.com/ikeqotobaz.vbs
I don't know if this can prevent the drop of the bags of golds, because they're not dropping.
Its strange, I actually test for the minecraft version in y code
public boolean matches(Entity entity) {
if (Misc.isMC111OrNewer())
<---- this one fails.....???
if (this == Llama)
return entity instanceof org.bukkit.entity.Llama;
And it works fine on my Spigot 1.8.8 test server ... but for some reason the version check give the wrong result when running on your server????
Which server do you use? I don't have a 1.8 Test server, only 1.8.8 but I look for "1.8" in the version number, so it should not matter....
Do you know where I can find the 1.8 jar, I will proberly need your version of libdisguises too... to do full testing.