Chat colors issue
Quirkylee opened this issue · 1 comments
§bsirmentio§f: im going to our house
2:35 PM
§b.§cD§6o§eu§ab§bl§de§4B§6o§eu§2b§3l§5e§f: Nin were r u
2:36 PM
§d.Is_sirplaya§f: idk where are you
2:36 PM
§b.§cD§6o§eu§ab§bl§de§4B§6o§eu§2b§3l§5e§f: And btw im making a
2:36 PM
dsal has joined.
2:36 PM
§bsirmentio§f: at our house
2:36 PM
§d.Is_sirplaya§f: not you..
still suffering the colors issue in playernames/formated names on irc from my example above if allow_colors: false.