Creepers won't drop vanilla heads as a rare drop
sqroot-1 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
If set to drop vanilla heads, Creepers drop player heads as a rare drop and vanilla heads by a charged Creeper explosion.
I'll need a debug log. use command /mmh td, to toggle debug to true, then replicate the creeper kill by a player, and send the full log, or at least the part where the start of the player killing the creeper until the head is dropped. For faster responses please join me on discord
Are you suggesting that this is due to the plugin? I have yet to know which version of the plugin you are using, or see a log of the issue happening with debug turned on.
I thought Mobs would drop heads by a charged Creeper explosion due the plugin. That's the Log of the Creeper dropping the wrong Head:
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BEDE name=CREEPER
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BDI itemstack=DIAMOND_SWORD line:463
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BDI enchantmentlevel=3 line:465
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BDI enchantmentlevelpercent=0.03 line:467
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BDI chance=0.19271154725912243 line:469
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BDI chancepercent=1.0 line:471
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BDI chancepercent2=1.03 line:473
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BEDE Creeper Head Dropped
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BEPIE isPlayerEPIE=true
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BEPIE item.length=11
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BEPIE lore=null
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BEPIE name=eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjQyNTQ4MzhjMzNlYTIyN2ZmY2EyMjNkZGRhYWJmZTBiMDIxNWY3MGRhNjQ5ZTk0NDQ3N2Y0NDM3MGNhNjk1MiJ9fX0=
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BEPIE ownerName.lngth >= 40
[10:12:42 INFO]: MoreMobHeads 1.14_1.0.11 [DEBUG] (BEPIE mobname from texture=creeper