Non-player Entities Not Getting Transferred
chuushi opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Players can go through the nether portal without any major problem. They sometimes take half-a-heart of damage, but that isn't the biggest problem. The huge problem I have on the latest Jenkins build is that entities are failing to go over from the second survival world's overworld portal to the second survival world's nether dimension. I even tried manually linking the worlds with the "/mvnp link" command. Am I configuring something wrong, or is it a bug?
Update: I realized that the things you throw into the second normal world's nether portal leads to the main world's nether portals.
I'm finding nothing I throw in to the portal is getting to the other side even though the portal it was thrown through gobbles the items up.
we have tried moving test llamas from world1 to world1_nether but they end up in world2 or world2_nether depending on which way you are going
Duplicate issue of #72.