When I enter an End portal, a Nether Portal gets created?
Kwasimoto opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I've just recently installed Multiverse on my server, over the night we've figured out everything but everytime you enter an end portal with Multiverse-NetherPortals installed, It teleports you about 2 to 3 blocks away from the end portal and creates a nether portal.
It does not do this with the plugin uninstalled.
Is there any possible way to fix this?
My plugins are:
- World Edit
- Lockette
- PermissionsEX
- Multiverse-Core
- World Guard
- Essentials
- ChatManager
- EssentialsProtect
- EssentialsSpawn
- Multiverse-Portals
- Multiverse-NetherPortals
- Multiverse-Inventories
- EssentialsChat
- Modifyworld
- AntiCheat
Also, it shows no errors on my logs either. It says everything works fine.
This issue is fixed in the latest dev builds: http://ci.onarandombox.com/job/Multiverse-NetherPortals/
Same issue here ONCE.
To recreate that issue, don't create a XXXX_the_end map.
If you do create a XXXX_the_end map
What will happen, to me at least is you spawn at the_end portal's cords but in the end, thus you are like 1000 blocks away from the end island...
major bug for this.
I am still trying to figure out some setting maybe to fix it, but i aint having any luck..