


When I enter an End portal, a Nether Portal gets created?

Kwasimoto opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I've just recently installed Multiverse on my server, over the night we've figured out everything but everytime you enter an end portal with Multiverse-NetherPortals installed, It teleports you about 2 to 3 blocks away from the end portal and creates a nether portal.

It does not do this with the plugin uninstalled.

Is there any possible way to fix this?

My plugins are:

  • World Edit
  • Lockette
  • PermissionsEX
  • Multiverse-Core
  • World Guard
  • Essentials
  • ChatManager
  • EssentialsProtect
  • EssentialsSpawn
  • Multiverse-Portals
  • Multiverse-NetherPortals
  • Multiverse-Inventories
  • EssentialsChat
  • Modifyworld
  • AntiCheat

Also, it shows no errors on my logs either. It says everything works fine.


in your config, do you have the portals for the End world set to "End"?


This issue is fixed in the latest dev builds:


Same issue here ONCE.
To recreate that issue, don't create a XXXX_the_end map.
If you do create a XXXX_the_end map
What will happen, to me at least is you spawn at the_end portal's cords but in the end, thus you are like 1000 blocks away from the end island...

major bug for this.
I am still trying to figure out some setting maybe to fix it, but i aint having any luck..