I spawn in the air when using end portal
galqawala opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I used MV on a fresh server to create 3 worlds in addition to the 3 original ones. I built an end portal in "worldGravity". When I use it, it takes me to "worldGravity_the_end" but I spawn in mid air and take damage when falling down. I tried using command "/mv setspawn" in a safe place in "worldGravity_the_end", but it only affects "/mv tp worldGravity_the_end" command, not the portal. I'm out of clues, what else could I try?
Startup log: http://pastebin.com/YjKW0Lqd .
Closing issue because it's an old post. If you are still running a Minecraft server and this persists, try updating all the Multiverse plugins and try again, otherwise please don't hesitate to ask for support on our Discord (quickest support) or submit a new issue.