Allow passing entities through portals
pohype opened this issue ยท 25 comments
I'm officially making this the entities passing through portals request thread.
Its good to hear that inventories are handled with donkeys and horses but I too would very much like portals to be able to teleport entities including mobs as well. Any ideas if and when this might get implemented?
Entities using multiverse-portals is a long awaited feature. (animals, monsters...)
Though, horses and espetially donkeys should be taken care of their inventory within multiverse-inventories.
None would like a donkey with a stuffed chest to go from a creative to a survival world.
I tested with both boats and minecarts, neither works.
Interestingly, you don't go through the portal until you leave its area and re-enter. Dismounting the vehicle while in the portal area does not teleport you.
I'd like this feature supported as well. I'd also like to see the /mv tp command support it.
This command works:
/mv tp @p e:world:-139,65,38
But this one only targets players:
/mv tp @e e:world:-139,65,38
Oh jeez It's been seven years and more, IMO this project is dead and people just constantly necrobumping?
Would love to be able to allow horses to travel via portals, I have two worlds and both are survival worlds, I also have Alpha Chest which I allow items to be transported between worlds since you have to collect the same in either world. I say add the feature and have it off by default and let the ones who want to use it turn it on.
Interesting news: A parrot can pass through the portal when it perching on player's shoulder.
- Minecraft 1.12.1
- Multiverse-Core 2.5.0
- Multiverse-Portals 2.5.0
I was wondering if could implement this feature from Multiverse-SignPortal, which is indeed greatly support entity teleport?
So these tickets are for client users to communicate with each other? ....
COME ON DEV TEAM! CHECK YOUR DAMN TICKETS FOR ONCE! WE NEED THIS FEATURE!! what do we have to do to draw your attention? pm you?
Is this still being worked on? Just wondering since the issue is still open after 7 years...
Any idea when this will be released? It still shows as In Progress on the kanban. As far as I've been able to tell, when you do release it, this will be the only plugin with this functionality :D
Here's what's going on:
As stated above, I have it working locally, but I need to do some finishing touches. The reason I haven't gotten around to doing those finishing touches is that there's a bug in 1.16 that prevents the server from properly dismounting players from vehicles, which made it difficult for me to tell if I was breaking something or if it was the bug. That's not the end of the world though, as I can test my changes on 1.15 and continue to work on it.
Regardless, I've been busy lately, but I think you should see a dev build with this functionality soon enough (maybe a few months). I also saw this morning that the bug has been fixed in 1.17, so I'm looking forward to that.
Hopefully this becomes a feature soon!
any ETA or more info following up on it?
I just pushed the teleport_entities
branch which includes support for teleporting entities. As of now, it is considered experimental.