SignPortals and WorldInventories
NobodysNightmare opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Hello, I am using SignPortals to warp between a creative and a survival world.
To prevent items from being carried from creative to survival I use WorldInvetories (https://github.com/Drayshak/WorldInventories).
When teleporting from one world to another via /mv tp world_name everything is fine. When teleporting using a SIgnPortal my inventory gets displayed wrong (items from old world are displayed). However this is only a display issue.
When trying to resort the inventory, the game will update to the correct inventory.
As this problem only occurs using SignPortals and not "/mv tp"-porting i suspect it to be an issue of SIgnPortals.
If my explanations were not helpful, I might make a video for you ^^
Best regards
I'm pretty sure this is an old bug that's been fixed. Could you supply the info requested here.
Output of /mv version -r:
Startup log:
Interesting. Will have a look shortly. I'll have to test this one a bit. Any details (specific steps) to reproduce (preferably every time) would be helpful.
It happens every time for me, when i use SIgnPortals.
I will update to Bukkit RB the next few days and try to provide you with minimalistic steps to reproduce (if you are not quicker than me ;))
Is this still present? I've kinda been a slacker with SignPortals lately. Wanted to close out some issues.
I did update Multiverse (core, sign, nether) and Bukkit:
- MV 2.3-AB
- Bukkit 1.1-R4
The problem is still present:
Teleporting via /mv tp WORLD_NAME gives me the correct inventory
Teleporting via SignPortal gives me the inventory from the last world, until i click into my inventory
I have to admit that, after reading small portions of the code, I do not see why SignPortals should be able to produce a different result than MV-TP, as both seem to rely on the safelyTeleport-method of the SafeTTeleporter-Interface, which should in both cases be backed by the SimpleSafeTTeleporter...
The only difference I can see is, that the teleportation for SignPortals is done, while processing a PlayerInteractEvent. I would assume that the cause is some kind of bad call-order.
But as I did not look into the WorldInventories code, I cannot definitely say if you (= SignPortals) are the one to fix that or if it is a fault in WorldInventories...
I am sorry that I cannot give you better hints or even a patch :/