


Nether Portal-style linking with SignPortals

kherock opened this issue ยท 1 comments


It would be really nice if Portal-style SignPortals could use the same linking mechanisms as overworld-to-nether portals did for each other. This would include spawning another Nether Portal with a sign when there are no portals in range.

I believe this would actually be a straightforward port from a feature that is already in MV-NetherPortals. The reason I am not using that plugin is because I still like to have two-way access to the nether.


+1 for this. Right now I want to have 2 Nethers for one Overworld. One old digged through and through and one fresh new. I thought I will be able to enable people using SignPortals to enter second Nether like classical one, but they end up every time on Multiverse world's spawn of target world. Portals are not being created and not following world scale.