


Sign Portal Doesn't Tp Players

jkmalan opened this issue ยท 28 comments


When placing a sign on a portal, I use the following format:

2: [mv]
3: Capital

The world exists and I can /mvtp to it as well as right click the sign and teleport. But when I step into the portal, it swirls endlessly and when i step out the sign turned blue but nothing actually happens no matter how many times I enter the portal. There are no server.log errors, or any written errors. Just a portal that doesn't send players anywhere.


@jkmalan @rymate1234

Could you guys try out the latest build? In my tests i have seen 0 failures of this type
If it still fails, turn on /mv debug 3 and post some output. Do it on or something as it'll be CRAZY long.


Closing this as complete, I've had no trouble getting the portals to work in the newest builds. Please reopen with exact steps to reproduce from a fresh server startup. Every command you type, I want to know it.


Here's what I got. (It worked)

Here is my pastie.

This test was done with Builds:
Core: 322
Portals: 291
NetherPortals: 282
SignPortals: 126


Alright, here it is, none of those builds exist... None of them are on BukkitDev and regardless, I cant get the portals to work with the current .jars:

Core: 279
Portals: 254
SignPortals: 122


Ah but they do! They're not ABs (AwesomeBuilds) yet, because they need testing which is what i'm doing tonight!

You can find them on our build site:


Feel free to hop on IRC if you're workin' on this now. #multiverse in


I have done some testing and took screenshots as well as done the debugging. This pastebin link is to the massive sized debug log and server startup log. I gave all hoping it may help. Please ignore the player who comes on in the middle of my testing. He was bored.
And the screenshots tell a better story than my words would.Server Startup And Debug Log:

Screenshots: -- Entire Album of ScreenShots With 3 Different Tests
If you cannot view them, download this .zip -->

Commands Used From Server Start To End:
/gm : Gamemode command provided by AdminCmd
/msg : Secret message command provided by AdminCmd
/mv debug : MV2 debug command

Other Things:
WorldEdit Compass
Creative Mode Items


Awesome, I'm going to do some massive testing tonight and hopefully push V2.1. I'll either fix this problem or hopefully not be able to reproduce.

EDIT: Others watching: THIS is how you do a bug report. Thanks!


Make sure you're on the latest build of SignPortals (122) I know this wasn an issue in older versions.


I do indeed have the lastest SignPortals and Core, and everything works fine except the neverending swirl and no tping...


I also have this problem


Ok we're at the stage when i'm gonna pull the wiki on both of you. Please use the template and post the following:


Pull the wiki? Anyway, do you mean that I should post the bug report here or at another location?

Edit: Nevermind, im guessing it goes into the pastebin.


@jkmalan Respond here with that template and all the information it requires.




Im unable to get a SignPortal to work regarless of the fact that everything is setup correctly and that I have the necessary files: RB 1240, Multiverse-Core 279, and Multiverse-SignPortals 122. The portal swirls endlessly yet the sign turns blue.

When I type /mv version -p:

2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Multiverse-Core Version: 2.0-b279
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Bukkit Version: git-Bukkit-0.0.0-1112-g54a13b2-b1240jnks (MC: 1.8.1)
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loaded Worlds: 3
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Multiverse Plugins Loaded: 2
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Economy being used: iConomy 6
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Permissions Plugin: Permissions 2.7.7
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Dumping Config Values: (version 2.2)
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] messagecooldown: 5000
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] teleportcooldown: NOT SET
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] worldnameprefix: true
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] opfallback: false
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] disableautoheal: true
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] fakepvp: false
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Special Code: FRN001
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [MultiVerse-Portals] Multiverse-Portals Version: 2.0-b254
2011-10-07 15:23:37 [INFO] [MultiVerse-Portals] Bukkit Version: git-Bukkit-0.0.0-1112-g54a13b2-b1240jnks (MC: 1.8.1)
2011-10-07 15:23:38 [INFO] [MultiVerse-Portals] Loaded Portals: 0
2011-10-07 15:23:38 [INFO] [MultiVerse-Portals] Dumping Portal Values: (version NOT SET)
2011-10-07 15:23:38 [INFO] [MultiVerse-Portals] {version=NOT SET}
2011-10-07 15:23:38 [INFO] [MultiVerse-Portals] Dumping Config Values: (version NOT SET)
2011-10-07 15:23:38 [INFO] [MultiVerse-Portals] wand: 272
2011-10-07 15:23:38 [INFO] [MultiVerse-Portals] Special Code: FRN001
2011-10-07 15:23:38 [INFO] Version info dumped here: Bad API request, maximum number of 25 private pastes for your free account
2011-10-07 15:23:38 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Version info dumped here: Bad API request, maximum number of 25 private pastes for your free account

The server startup log (The CommandSigns error has not been responded to yet):

2011-10-07 15:22:06 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.8.1
2011-10-07 15:22:06 [INFO] Loading properties
2011-10-07 15:22:06 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
2011-10-07 15:22:06 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-1112-g54a13b2-b1240jnks (MC: 1.8.1)
2011-10-07 15:22:06 [INFO] [SuperpermBridge] Superperm/Permissions bridge initialized
2011-10-07 15:22:08 [INFO] LWC: Loading shared objects
2011-10-07 15:22:08 [INFO] LWC: Protection cache: 0/10000
2011-10-07 15:22:08 [INFO] LWC: Native library: plugins/LWC/lib/native/Windows/amd64/sqlitejdbc.dll
2011-10-07 15:22:08 [INFO] [Pail] Initializing...
2011-10-07 15:22:08 [INFO] [Pail] Setting up themes...
2011-10-07 15:22:08 [INFO] [Pail] Registering events...
2011-10-07 15:22:08 [INFO] [Pail] Loading interface...
2011-10-07 15:22:09 [INFO] [Pail] Setting up window...
2011-10-07 15:22:09 [INFO] [Pail] Pail 0.7.5 Enabled
2011-10-07 15:22:09 [INFO] Preparing level "Capital"
2011-10-07 15:22:09 [INFO] Default game type: 0
2011-10-07 15:22:09 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 1214501549568556042)
2011-10-07 15:22:09 [INFO] [Annotate] 1.2.4 enabled.
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] Annotate: Integrated with Permissions v2.7.7
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] AntiCreeper v2.0 - by Rothens
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] Anticreeper v2.0 - STARTED
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] BorderGuard version 4.2 is enabled!
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [CommandSigns] 0.9 enabled.
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] CommandSigns: Integrated with Annotate v1.2.4
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] CommandSigns: Integrated with Permissions v2.7.7
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [HeroicDeath] 1.11.2 enabled.
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [iConomy - Celty] Enabled (41 ms)
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLUGIN_ENABLE to CommandSigns
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijiko/coelho/iConomy/iConomy
at com.nijikokun.register.payment.methods.iCo4.isCompatible(
at com.nijikokun.register.payment.Methods.createMethod(
at com.omggamingonline.minecraft.Register.EconomyPluginListener.onPluginEnable(
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.nijiko.coelho.iConomy.iConomy
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
... 15 more
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [FINEST] Logging enabled.
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [SEVERE] [LagMeter 0.5] Old permissions system detected. Using it.
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [LagMeter 0.5] Enabled! Polling every 40 server ticks. Logging to C:\Users\MONICA\Desktop\Minecraft\Xenon Server\plugins\LagMeter/lag.log
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] Loading saved carpets...
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] version 2.0.2 is enabled!
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [MagicCarpet] Take yourself wonder by wonder, using /magiccarpet or /mc.
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [MultiInv] version 2.4.1 is enabled!
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] - Version 2.0-b279 Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] - Attached to Permissions
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [AllPay] - Version 3.0 - hooked into iConomy 6 for Multiverse-Core v2.0-b279
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] - Multiverse Config -- Loaded
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] - World Config -- Loaded
2011-10-07 15:22:10 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: -2191841836809852997)
2011-10-07 15:22:11 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - 'Survival' - NORMAL
2011-10-07 15:22:11 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - 'Capital' - NORMAL
2011-10-07 15:22:11 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: -1708973034855332643)
2011-10-07 15:22:11 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - 'StaffWorld' - NORMAL
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] 3 - World(s) loaded.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [MultiVerse-Portals] - Version 2.0-b254 Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [MultiVerse-Portals] 0 - Portals(s) loaded
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [MultiVerse-SignPortals] - Version 2.0-b122 Enabled - By Rigby and fernferret
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [SetRankPB] Enabling...
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [SetRankPB] Couldn't find Spout, not using achievements.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [SetRankPB] Restoring RAM...
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [SetRankPB] Enabled. Version 1.0
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [SuperpermBridge] Superperm/Permissions bridge enabled
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [Multiverse-Core] - Attached to Permissions
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [VoxelSniper] Config loaded
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] VoxelSniper version 5.019 is enabled! Snipe away.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldEdit 343-3e36a6c enabled.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [MultiVerse-Portals] Found WorldEdit. Using it for selections.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Capital) Single session is enforced.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Capital) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Capital) Lighters are PERMITTED.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Capital) Lava fire is blocked.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Capital) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'Capital"
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Survival) Single session is enforced.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Survival) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Survival) Lighters are PERMITTED.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Survival) Lava fire is blocked.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (Survival) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'Survival"
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (StaffWorld) Single session is enforced.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (StaffWorld) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (StaffWorld) Lighters are PERMITTED.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (StaffWorld) Lava fire is blocked.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: (StaffWorld) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'StaffWorld"
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [WARNING] WorldGuard: Region file for world "Capital" missing or inaccessible.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [WARNING] WorldGuard: Region file for world "Survival" missing or inaccessible.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [WARNING] WorldGuard: Region file for world "StaffWorld" missing or inaccessible.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] WorldGuard 5.2.3-SNAPSHOT enabled.
2011-10-07 15:22:12 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Plugin Enabled. (version 5.9.2-SNAPSHOT (BUILD 07.10.2011 @ 19:12:31))
2011-10-07 15:22:13 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Successfully linked with Yeti's Permissions.
2011-10-07 15:22:13 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Successfully linked with PermissionsBukkit.
2011-10-07 15:22:13 [INFO] [FunCommands] Enabled. (Version 1.2.1 (BUILD 04.10.2011 @ 21:55:54))
2011-10-07 15:22:13 [INFO] [ChestShop] Permissions version 2.7.7 loaded.
2011-10-07 15:22:13 [INFO] [ChestShop] LWC version 3.53 loaded.
2011-10-07 15:22:13 [INFO] [ChestShop] version 3.21 initialized!
2011-10-07 15:22:13 [INFO] [ChestShop] iConomy 6 loaded.
2011-10-07 15:22:13 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 0 jail zones.
2011-10-07 15:22:13 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 0 prisoners.
2011-10-07 15:22:13 [INFO] [Jail] Loaded 0 cells.
2011-10-07 15:22:13 [INFO] [Jail] Jail v2.0.1 loaded!
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] LWC: Loaded 137 locale strings (0 overrides)
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] LWC: Permissions API: BukkitPermissions
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] LWC: Currency API: iConomy6Currency
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] LWC: Loading SQLite
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] LWC: Using: Native
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] LWC: Precached 15 protections.
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] LWC: At version: 3.53 (b294)
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] [mChat] PermissionsBukkit 1.2 found hooking in.
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] [mChat] mChannel not found not using.
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] [mChat] BukkitStats Logging currently Activated. To opt-out check stats.yml.
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] [mChat] mChat version 1.8.2_5 is enabled!
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] [AdminCmd] Successfully linked with mChat
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] PermissionsBukkit v1.2 is now enabled
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
2011-10-07 15:22:14 [INFO] Done (0.522s)! For help, type "help" or "?"

PermissionsBukkit Config:

Anything I'm missing?


Try disabling the plugin "CommandSigns" (move to another folder) and try that.


Ok, i will, and then repost the server startup log?


No, still nothing, no differences in the server log or the way the portal works, still swirls endlessly and the sign still turns blue :(


Perhaps you didn't actually disable it? This line should go away:

 2011-10-07 15:22:10 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLUGIN_ENABLE to CommandS igns
 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijiko/coelho/iConomy/iConomy
 at com.nijikokun.register.payment.methods.iCo4.isCompatible(
 at com.nijikokun.register.payment.Methods.createMethod(
 at com.omggamingonline.minecraft.Register.EconomyPluginListener.onPluginEna ble(
 at$47.execute( :569)
 at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( 8)
 at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( :339)
 at va:948)
 at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.j ava:280)
 at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
 at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
 at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
 at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
 at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.nijiko.coelho.iConomy.iCon omy
 at$ Source)
 at Method)
 at Source)
 at a:36)
 at a:24)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
 ... 15 more

Yet, the thing is, that doesn't come up anymore, no CommandSigns whatsoever. Portal still doesn't work...


was at work earlier, will investigate tonight.


Thanks, hope its something either you can fix, or something I can. :(


Lots of testing will go down shortly, if you've seen the massive number of commits, 2.1 is about to hit. I'll keep this issue updated with new news.


I think it may be something to do with MultiInv

Can someone confirm this?


Seriously? Maybe, I have MultiInv enabled....


I was just wondering as I also have this problem and i also use MultiInv


Thank you very much, I will continue to watch for updates.