Cannot increase max_user_connections of MySQL
LJIT-WD opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Bug Report
Type /ver NametagEdit and post the output.
What version of Bukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot are you using? Type /ver
Paper version git-Paper-112 (MC: 1.15.2)
What plugins are you using? Type /plugins
Plugins (11): Citizens, CitizensCMD, HubBasics, LoginSecurity*, MessageAnnouncer, NametagEdit*, ServerSelectorX, ViaBackwards, ViaRewind, ViaVersion, VotingPlugin
Please explain your issue. How do you trigger it?
I use waterfall (fork of bungeecord), so I use MySQL for all my plugins. There are at least 10 active connections. There is no options for me to change the max_user_conections in config.yml.
Are there any errors in the console? Please use:
Try this:
login to your server via ssh
mysql -u root
type: "SET GLOBAL max_user_conections=200000;"
and restart your mysql server
I only have SFTP and console access. For MySQL server, I only have phpMyAdmin access. How can I do that?