Priority of ranks in tablist - Error
jona031q opened this issue ยท 2 comments
What version/build of NametagEdit are you using? Type /ver NametagEdit
Im using 4.1.4
What version of Bukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot are you using? Type /ver
version 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
What plugins are you using? Type /plugins
Lots of different plugins
Please explain your issue?
The priority thing doesnt work. Iv'e set the rank owner to priority 1 and admin to priority 3, but i still shows the admin prefix in the tablist and yes, i have made a prefix for the Owner rank, and yes, i gave the Admin group the right permissions and the Owner group the right permissions.
How do you reproduce the issue?
Is there an error(s) in the console? Please use:
No errors
Did you use the documentation here?
Also, MySQL or flatfile? Please post your config/database structure if possible. Also, make sure in your Players config/database you do not have conflicting Sort Priorities.