[BUG] PAPI & MCore factions relational placeholders.
Flavourized opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Bug Report
Type /ver NametagEdit and post the output.
4.1.7, latest version from jenkins.
What version of Bukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot are you using? Type /ver
Paper 1.11.2 b1104
What plugins are you using? Type /plugins
NameTagEdit 4.1.7
EssentialsX (Core, Chat, and Spawn)
Worldedit 6.1.3
Worldguard 6.1.2
ProtocolLib 4.2.1
MCore 2.11.0
Factions 2.11.0
MassiveCombat 2.11.0
PEX 1.23.4
PAPI 2.8.2 (Yes, i downloaded the latest expansion for Factions and other plugins)
PAPI Factions placeholders: https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/placeholderapi-plugin-placeholders-page-1/#factions-mcore
PAPI Expansion: http://prntscr.com/hmazf3
Please explain your issue. How do you trigger it?
I am trying to change the nametag to reflect the color of the relation between 2 users (Ally, truce, neutral, enemy). I have used groups.yml in NTE to add the factions placeholders in the prefix, and given my 2 accounts the necessary permissions.
So in this test, I have 3 accounts.
Account1 - Flavour - OP with all permissions
Account2 - Auem - Normal Player permissions, not OP - In a faction called test1
Account3 - ruovalF - Normal Player permissions, not OP - in a faction called test2
Faction Test1 is enemy to Faction Test2 (See here http://prntscr.com/hmawsj)
config.yml - https://hastebin.com/ufapacuraq.bash
groups.yml - https://hastebin.com/ogocafitil.pl
Picture 1: http://prntscr.com/hmaw3s
- I have set Wicked & Test prefix in groups.yml to '&f'
- Everything normal here.
Picture 2: http://prntscr.com/hmaxaw
- Changed Wicked group prefix to '&5%factions_title% &c'
- Changed Test group prefix to '&b%factions_title% &d'
- Everything normal here.
Picture 3:
My view: http://prntscr.com/hmaxug
Auem view: http://prntscr.com/hmay17
ruovalf view: http://prntscr.com/hmay8j
- I have kept Wicked group prefix as '&5%factions_title% &c'
- I have changed Test group prefix to '%rel_factions_relation% &f'
Picture 4:
My view: http://prntscr.com/hmaysi
Auem view: http://prntscr.com/hmayyl
ruo view: http://prntscr.com/hmaywe
- I have changed Wicked group prefix to '&a%factions_power%&8/&a%factions_powermax% &f'
- I have changed Test group prefix to '%rel_factions_relation_color%'
I'm not sure what else i can provide to help solve this issue. Please let me know, as i would love to use the relational placeholders.
Are there any errors in the console? Please use: https://pastebin.com
No errors in console.
Two things come to mind (I will verify these soon):
- The nametag w/ placeholders is not being formatted at all
- The nametag string length is reduced before the placeholders can format the nametag
Both instances result in the above formatting (it's probably not both). This issue is confusing because the only the Placeholder code is a simple one-line solution.
Pre-Edit-Edit: This looks a bit inconsistent
Edit: I checked the dependencies and noticed they were super out of date. I have updated both, and perhaps it is worth trying again without further changes to the code base.
Nope. This placeholder works perfectly in every other plugin. It is just this plugin which the relational placeholders don't work.
The relational placeholders work in AdvancedTags and AnimatedNames as well, but not in NTE
Yep, issue still exists. Been over a year so i'm pretty confident this won't get fixed. I've moved to a better plugin now, so not really important to me anymore.
@La-Boba If you need a plugin that can do this, take a look at TAB
It handles tab list as well as nametags above head, and has some crazy customization options.