Error if I have a lot of characters
LagBug opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Bug Report
Type /ver NametagEdit and post the output.
What version of Bukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot are you using? Type /ver
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Please explain your issue. How do you trigger it?
In the groups.yml is setted up 2 groups, Owner and Mod.. The prefixes are: '&8[&4&lOwner&8] &7' and for the Mod: '&8[&cMod&8] &7' Now, the Mod works while the Owner doesn't.. I know it doesn't work because i have more characters in the Owner.. I figured out that because I changed '&8[&4&lOwner&8] &7' to '&8[&4&lOwn&8] &7' and it worked! Thanks and hope you will fix it!
Are there any errors in the console? Please use:
Nope, there are no errors
The 16 character limit is hard coded because this is the maximum length we can make it -- otherwise clients crash. You may notice some servers allow very long nametags. This is because they use the TabListName, while we use scoreboards. In newer versions of nametagedit, we lifted the restriction on 16 character PlayerListNames because in later versions of Minecraft this limitation was increased. It wasn't always this way - if I recall correctly in 1.6/7 if you had a PlayerListName longer than 16 characters the client would crash.
Question: Is the nametag being cut off in Tab or above the player's head?
I think/believe that the chat colors should not get included? Is there any way I can fix this?
And about your question its like not taking care of the "&7"
I have introduced a new feature called "LongTags". Please reopen the issue if this does not satisfy your requirement.
Please note, that LongTags does not apply to the Nameplate (the name above the head) because of the default limitation in Minecraft.
Edit: See the documentation or tryout /nte longtags and then /nte reload
Thanks again! But I got one problem: I can't find where to enable LongTags... Is it an option in config.yml or what?
In the spigot version, I can't find the /nte longtags
Is there any updated version?
We have a build server for early releases