Titles unload upon world switch
Jechto opened this issue ยท 6 comments
here is a bug i found
If you switch world, the tablist and name overlay changes to default (only for that user). However a plugin reload will fix it. The server doesn't seem to output an error. (maybe client side IDK)
Using Verson 4.0.2
I am having the same problem my self, I don't know how to fix it.
If I know how to fix it, I'll tell you guys ASAP!
Perhaps you are using a permissions plugin that does per-world permissions?
I use NametagEdit on BIG servers where users are constantly changing worlds, and this is not an issue.
i dont use per-world permission, however i use Multiverse, Groupmanager, and Multiinv (perhaps conflict).
I'm going to test on a server with multiinv installed
@Jechto Are you using Flatfile or MySQL?