Tags don't appear until /nte reload
AshourAziz opened this issue ยท 6 comments
When logging in, tags don't seem to take effect until /nte reload is performed, then the tab shuffles and the tags appear.
Please see this build: http://ci.playmc.cc/job/NametagEdit/32/
Let me know if things get better.
Nope same situation, /ne reload is the only way to bring it online for anyone that is currently online, once relogging or new players they do not get the proper tag.
Also, /nte or /ne don't work they don't display the help message. doing /nte reload or /ne reload will reload it and display the reloaded message. Referencing it to #51 and the commit to fix it.
Sorry for the delay @AshourAziz. Please post your plugin list. I just experienced this issue on a server I work for, and I believe a few plugins are culprits.