Problem with hex colors and &l in front off the playername!
AustrianSteve opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Hello, i have a problem with hex colors in front of the playername!
A part of the config:
Permission: nte.moon
Prefix: '&#ee7600Moon &7| &#ee7600 '
Suffix: ''
SortPriority: 55
Take a look at the picture,
There are different colors in the Nametag.
And a nother one in the config:
Permission: nte.owner
Prefix: '&4&l[&6&lT&e&le&2&la&9&lm&5&l] &c&lOWNER &7&l| &c&l'
Suffix: ''
SortPriority: 1
At the end the "&l" makes the playername bold white and not in the prefius colof
Type /ver NametagEdit and post the output.
Ver. 44.5.23
What version of Bukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot are you using? Type /ver
Ver. 1.20.4-496
What plugins are you using? Type /plugins
Are there any errors in the console? Please use:
No, there are not.