- 1
NametageEdit.getApi returns null
#791 opened by someElseIsHere - 0
После перезагрузки ,вылетают игроки и зависает сервер
#792 opened by ZakkG - 3
1.19.2 Support issue
#794 opened by TeoSaloufardos - 6
BUG with NameTagEdit And Vault
#796 opened by NzKxenZy - 1
NametagEdit - Kicks all players
#797 opened by vlardex - 0
Tab formatting not working properly.
#801 opened by gausts - 0
Tag above head not formatted.
#802 opened by NABrr - 2
Impossibility to exceed the length of 16 characters in the prefix
#799 opened by PetaJupik - 3
[NametagEdit] As the error above suggests, you do NOT have any placeholder plugins installed
#800 opened by Zulkiiz - 0
NametagEdit Pool - Exception during pool initialization. java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: Too many connections
#803 opened by KalviPL - 0
NametagEdit MythicalRaces Request
#804 opened by winter577 - 0
Priority keeps breaking after going into /vanish
#805 opened by PureMC - 1
I am unable to access the dev builds website
#808 opened by ItsMitlit - 2
Nametags stay unmodfied unless /nte reload is run and they are reset after any player rejoins
#806 opened by MrWhiteEagle - 0
#809 opened by Joshy1706 - 0
Nametags just not working at all
#810 opened by SoNotMC - 0
Nametag hierachy reset after Skywars round plugin name PRO skywars
#811 opened by stasioDeveloper - 3
Jenkins down ?
#814 opened by BySwiizen - 0
Hello is there a per world option? Like the TAB and player list and stuff are per world?
#812 opened by gigantickey980 - 1
Prefix in next line (\n?)
#815 opened by AnimeDrache - 3
Hello i have more tags but only some can be ordered
#813 opened by TymekSL - 1
instead of "rank > name" there is a white game name above the player
#816 opened by Leahcimkrob - 0
#817 opened by FogyUwU - 1
"an internal error occured while atempting to perform this command"
#818 opened by EricDasSchnitzel - 4
Nametag editor hex colours
#819 opened by yepikaiye - 5
Nametag Edit (Display Problem)
#820 opened by MinerMends - 2
Add 1.19.3 Support
#828 opened by Vertical149 - 2
1.19.3 Support?
#823 opened by BaxAndrei - 1
Service Unavailable -
#824 opened by lonadels - 4
The link to the test build does not work
#825 opened by Kremanit - 2
1.19.3 bur report: error and warns spamming after the player joins
#826 opened by VladOliinyk - 1
1.19.3 Update? Planning?
#827 opened by xInHise - 0
Displayname issue 4.5.14
#832 opened by ignChaptr - 4
Nameedit plugin issue - Group/Ranks disappear all the time.
#833 opened by nullerking - 0
Floating Player names
#834 opened by Ranger2415 - 0
Database Connection Issue
#835 opened by SirPlancake - 0
Prefixes in TabList disappear after a minute
#836 opened by jackboi03 - 0
#837 opened by SteliosCC - 0
Please Help
#838 opened by ThatSouperMan - 0
Nametagedit Group order Error
#839 opened by Monk4ys1 - 1
Error with using Hex Color
#840 opened by Corin-alt - 2
Console error due to placeholder
#841 opened by WarriorLlama - 1
Add 1.19.4 support
#843 opened by BingYanchi - 0
Issue with CMI glow feature
#845 opened by PanetiX - 2
No prefixes if tab plugin is installed
#847 opened by Saidas25 - 0
Can Namtagedit somehow work on fabric?
#848 opened by NotFlow69 - 0
what are the placeholders
#849 opened by xFatihh075 - 0
Second Join (Nametag + Tablist Rank) Disappears
#850 opened by ElusivesNetwork - 0
#851 opened by Lokkix - 0
#852 opened by keymileek