- 6
NBT from ItemStack results to air.
#144 opened by Shin1gamiX - 2
ClassNotFoundException (net.minecraft.nbt.xxxxxxx) (net.minecraft.server.v1_17_R1.xxxxxxxx)
#145 opened by wcy6457 - 1
Disable logs.
#141 opened by arthurr0 - 5
[Suggestion] Pretty NBT
#142 opened by ShaneBeee - 2
NBT API ruining use of components in item meta
#143 opened by Nuckerr - 1
v1_18_R1 Support
#148 opened by TheMagBum - 1
Issue with new NBTItem()
#147 opened by EnderStudiosDEV - 1
1.18 support
#146 opened by maartenvr98 - 2
Error with others plugins
#149 opened by ItsLaivy - 14
Can't get NBTCompound from NBTTileEntity
#151 opened by n08i40k - 11
Server freezes on join
#152 opened by fan87 - 6
Invalid NBT from valid Json and NBT data
#154 opened by quiquelhappy - 1
Heads become invisible if thrown onto the ground as an item.
#156 opened by Inf4d3l - 1
[BUG] When Quickshop reremake is installed with NBT API,the words on Quickshop sign will disappear.
#157 opened by ClaretWheel1481 - 1
SSL certificate
#159 opened by INotSleep - 33
NBTItem problem
#161 opened by Kyumar - 4
Stack trace erroneously checking for updates
#163 opened by SlimeDog - 2
1.18.2 compability
#164 opened by sphings79 - 5
#165 opened by ImFound - 5
Caused by: de.tr7zw.nbtapi.NbtApiException: [Selfchecked]Method not loaded! 'COMPOUND_SET_UUID'
#167 opened by KingSavaqe - 4
Bunch of NBT API errors, breaks plugins
#169 opened by srnyx - 1
Add support for Forge 1.7.10
#170 opened by EverNife - 8
Failure to obtain NBTCompound for NBTTileEntity
#173 opened by ChenCMD - 2
NBT API doesn't work on spigot 1.8.8 - error
#178 opened by abhisantos - 5
Configurate Integration
#181 opened by codingTheRedCat - 1
clearNBT() function giving ConcurrentModificationException
#183 opened by blubbarbs - 6
able to change gson settings.
#187 opened by portlek - 1
Issues with Spawner Minecarts (Or the usage of NBTEntity is unclear)
#190 opened by BenCat07 - 2
[Hacktoberfest] Wiki/Documentation
#191 opened by tr7zw - 3
convert nbt into itemstack
#192 opened by pawelkuwa - 1
Spelling Mistake in NBTReflectionUtil
#206 opened by ShaneBeee - 1
Question: How to add CanPlaceOn multiple items.
#212 opened by BingYanchi - 2
IllegalPluginAccessException when plugin uses `load: STARTUP`
#102 opened by JarvisCraft - 2
nbtinjector dropitem tag bug
#103 opened by jhooc77 - 3
Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
#104 opened by JoaoGabrielCostaa - 1
1.16.3 Support
#105 opened by Favorlock - 14
Update to support 1.16.4
#106 opened by SlimeDog - 2
NBTItem#getItem causing trade fail in MerchantInventory
#109 opened by eslym - 3
Help for syntaxes
#111 opened by ItsTheSky - 5
#112 opened by divios - 9
Encoding itemstack error [NullPointerException]
#115 opened by JoaoGabrielCostaa - 3
Set a list.
#121 opened by NERDTimmie - 0
#127 opened by EpicGodMC202 - 2
Unable to parse Malformed Json!
#128 opened by Realmm - 2
Fails to compile using maven 3.8 because repository is added using http
#129 opened by Derkades - 10
Add support for 1.17.1
#130 opened by CC007 - 4
InaccessibleObjectException while using SDK 16
#134 opened by TonyFoster - 3
Maven Repository
#135 opened by ItsLiyua - 3
Unable to invoke new NBTTileEntity(state).toString()
#137 opened by ShirasawaSama - 2
Usage of commons-lang NotImplementedException
#138 opened by Derkades