Shield damage reduction for all shields
pvprangergod opened this issue ยท 8 comments
I want the 50% damage reduction to work with craftable shields instead of sword-blocking.
Also could the damage reduction be altered for arrows and melee, for example, it would be nice to have arrows do 50% less damage and melee only 33% while blocking.
So you would like to:
- be able to edit the shield damage reduction separately from the sword blocking module
- be able to edit the projectile damage reduction separately from the melee damage reduction
I know this isn't my post. So feel free to remove this comment. But i like this idea a lot and thought of something similar myself. To expand on it... would it be possible for the % of reduced damage to be adjusted by the config? So for instance damage reduction: 0.50 (as the default option)... but players can change it to 0.85.. 0.20... etc.
That seems to be only under the sword blocking section though. I have that disabled. I have hand switching disabled BUT shields on the whitelist so players can hold them in the standard 1.9 way and block etc.
EDIT: I just doubled checked. The % blocking feature only works for sword blocking... which doesn't require players to have the shield item and the ''shield'' of course doesn't ever break.
What exactly do you mean by "which doesn't require players to have the shield item and the ''shield'' of course doesn't ever break."?
The normal 1.9 shield when used has a limited amount of uses. I guess the whole point of sword blocking isn't to implement shields but to try and resemble the sword blocking mechanic of which can't be done without using a shield? What I'm wondering is if the same %damage reduction could be used for shields. I like 1.8 spam clicking combat but with shields. BUT having a shield that doesn't absorb 100% damage would allow players who just hold it down in pvp and around mobs to still be punished by taking some damage.
Transferred to #113