Unhandled exception executing command 'pa'
Deathinflames opened this issue ยท 4 comments
We are currently running Parkour v4.1 using MySQL as our database option and we seem to be receiving an error when executing /pa stats map
The error happens regardless of what map we try to check the stats for. Here is the stack trace for the error: https://pastebin.com/raw/EgQBmAii
Looking at the source, it seems to be related to the join fee of a course, is that right?
Thank you!
You are correct in that its related to the JoinFee. You will get that error if you don't have Vault installed. I will try and add a check for Vault in 4.2, but for now installing Vault will fix the error.
That's strange, i do have Vault installed though, Vault v1.5.6-b49 to be exact. I guess it's an issue with older versions of Vault?
Its the same version of vault I have - don't think is been updated in a long time.
You could check in config.yml that you have
Other:Economy:Enabled: true