[Feature request] Show normal login coordinates at logs/console.
Tomauskis opened this issue ยท 3 comments
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When player loggins, admins only see coordinates of the platform.
Describe the solution you'd like
I'd like to have an option to see normal login coordinates, as without this plugin. This should help with vanilla administrating and maybe compatibility with other plugins.
It could look like this:
Tomauskis[/xx.xx.xxx.xx:xxxxx] logged in with entity id 189 at ([blokada]0.0, 226.0, 0.0)
Tomauskis[/xx.xx.xxx.xx:xxxxx] logged in with entity id 189 at ([blokada]300.0, 76.0, -1000.0)
Additional context
I'm using this plugin for vanilla survival server.
This bug/feature has been fixed in the newest update. You can get it here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/bukkit-plugins/password-log-on/files
Sorry for not responding earlier. This is possible, and will be released as an update in a few days :D