


Pex crashing server after adding voxel permissions

SecretlyJealous opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Whenever I add all these permissions:
My tps starts going down really fast and my server crashes with this:
I've tried adding these permissions and then restarting the server but it doesn't solve the issue.
Running version: 1.23.4

Any idea why it's crashing the server? It's very odd.


CreativeFunEssentials is a custom plugin, it handles cross server messages, tp, tab, friends ect. The problem is that everything on my server starts to slow down when I add these permissions causing this crash. My tps will drop really fast and because of this everything else becomes unresponsive (like creativefunessentials for example) It's really weird because the moment I add these permissions and then do a restart everything starts to slow down. If I leave it on, I'll probably get the crash I mentioned above. It's just a really weird problem in general :(


Do you have any crash logs that don't include CFE commands preceding the crash?

You'll probably have to run a timing report, warmroast or somesuch (that I have no experience or knowledge of) for @zml2008 to take a look at if it really is a timings and PEX issue.


Yeah, I strongly suspect that this is an issue with CFE, especially considering the number of exceptions it's spitting out into the server log -- and the crash is in CFE code as well. You'll want to get whoever you had write it in to look at the issue more, and hopefully fix things.


Please keep conversation in the same issue.

There is another server thread:

[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: Current Thread: Server thread
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:   PID: 18 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: RUNNABLE
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:   Stack:
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:$EntrySet$
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:$EntrySet$
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:$25.write(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:$25.write(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.IChatBaseComponent$ChatSerializer.a(SourceFile:201)
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.TileEntitySign.E_(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.PacketPlayOutMapChunk.(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.PlayerChunk.sendChunk(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.PlayerChunk.a(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.PlayerChunkMap.addPlayer(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.PlayerList.a(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.PlayerList.onPlayerJoin(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.PlayerList.a(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.LoginListener.b(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.LoginListener.c(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.NetworkManager.a(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.ServerConnection.c(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.MinecraftServer.D(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.DedicatedServer.D(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:       net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R2.MinecraftServer.C(
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]:
[00:50:51] [Paper Watchdog Thread/ERROR]: ------------------------------

which involves one of the locks the PEX stack is waiting on. I'm not sure why exactly there are two threads listed as server thread (there shouldn't be), but considering this is not an error I've seen before and your plugin shows evidence of having a lot of issues, I still doubt this is PEX's fault.


Spigot's watchdog dumps the main thread, then does a dump of all threads.


Well the two stacktraces for the server thread are different -- so something non-trivial is going on. I don't think there's anything obvious in PEX, but there are some very very obvious issues in CFE. There is probably some weird locking issues occurring here, which means someone is trying to work with permissions outside of the main thread. Since the entire bukkit permissions system is not thread safe, this should not be done.


The crash started at the exact same moment as xQuiz issued the /msg command through the plugin "CreativeFunEssentials". The disconnects all happen just under 1 minute later. Unfortunately, I can't find that plugin anywhere online so I can't tell if it's a version mismatch with the server or what could be going on there. (See lines 89-90 of the crash report link to see the origination of the crash.)

The command is issued a total of 3 times in the log, and it appears that none of those msg commands were received by their intended targets since none of the intended targets msg'd the sender back. (Though, I have to say, I wouldn't have msg'd the [probably horny] guy that asked if I was a girl either... LOL)

Can you provide me with a link to that plugin?