Group Weights override certain groups permissions
starwarsfreak219 opened this issue ยท 9 comments
I have ran into the issue where group weights would override group permissions, I am currently developing a Prison server and have A rank set as 100 and Owner rank set as 200, but the Owner groups permissions are overridden by the A groups permissions making it so that the group Owner is practically invisible. I want the Owner group to be able to play along with the rankups, but it doesn't work since not all permissions are inherited from the Owner group. Say A group has a permission from AnimatedNames(, -animatednames,group.Owner), and Owner group has permissions from AnimatedNames(,, the A group overrides the owner group so then it shows up as A instead of what the owner looks like. I do have them in both groups, but A Overrides the Owners permissions.
"Weight" values don't have anything to do with permissions, it's all about prefix/suffix.
Show me your permissions.yml file.
Hmm, that's odd, I found a different solution, but if weight values aren't supposed to do anything with permissions, I think that this is a bug... since they did override permissions, I had some negated permissions in the A group, but had the Owner group have the permissions but aren't negated, for instance, if A group has -bukkit.command.plugins and Owner group has bukkit.command.plugins, it will instead take the -bukkit.command.plugins... I did test it with taking out the ranking system(I was going to use this to promote staff), but still did the same thing...
I will see if I can make a permissions.yml that did the same issue tomorrow...
I am busy atm... sorry.
Ahhhhh! Vanilla permissions. These can not be reliably controlled on a Minecraft server that uses plugins. Read more right here. I've handled this problem on the forums so many times in the past 2 years that I've lost count how many times it's come up.
My personal server had absolutely no control of these whatsoever. If I do not give them out, meaning no one should be able to use them, people could use them. If I negated them, meaning no one should be able to use them, people could still use them.
I've tried to find out what's going with this, but the powers that be have never responded.
Other than that, I would have to see your permissions.yml file to get a better understanding of what's going on for your specific server. (Maybe it's a matter of inheritance somewhere, or two plugins with similar permission nodes and commands, in which case I'd also need to see your plugins list. Essentials, for example, also gives out many of the 'vanilla' permissions/commands.)
I dont think animatednames are vanilla permission. :P I will have the permissions file later today.