PEX is not working
xAtomicWastex opened this issue · 87 comments
Hi, in /pl, PEX is red, and when I do /pex, nothing happens, and I need help fixing it. And before PEX stopped working, I tied /pex group Starter set default, but it basically says that this command is wrong and you should check the syntax or something like that. So please help! Thanks!
Here is my latest.log file.
My server is 1.8.8
By the way, this is not my server, it's my friend's server.
Do you have Vault installed? If it is red that usually mean a dependency of the plugin is missing.
] Edit by Stormbow: This is incorrect. PEX does not have any dependencies. [
@starwarsfreak219 doesn't know what they're talking about. When PEX is red, that means there is a problem with the config.yml or permissions.yml file, not that a dependency is missing for PEX. (PEX has no dependencies.)
If @xAtomicWastex says this is resolved, or 3 days pass, I'll close this ticket.
Yea, it wasn't a dependency, his permissions file had a error in it, I went on his server to see what the problem was first hand, but I thought PEX had a dependency with vault... maybe not...
@starwarsfreak219 Yes I do have Vault.
Do you mind if I join your server and see what is going on? You can PM the IP through the Spigot, my name is the same as in here(starwarsfreak219).
I think you might have had a permissions error which would cause the plugin to stop working. Do you think you could show us your permissions.yml?
@starwarsfreak219 I sent you the IP on Spigot. And you want my perm.yml of PEX? From PEX?
If so, here's the screenshot:
@starwarsfreak219 @Stormbow It's actually not fixed, starwars, you thought it was fixed, but I restarted the server, and it turned red again and it ain't working.
I saw that. You didn't come back on so I couldn't help you fix the issue in that time. If you edited anything in your permissions.yml, you might want to revert that as there is an error in your permissions.yml again. Please ensure you didn't use the Tab key in it as YAML (.yml) files do not support Tabbing, you have to use spaces.
@xAtomicWastex -- copy your permissions.yml file (in full) to Pastebin and I can tell you exactly where it went wrong. Leave a link to the paste in this thread.
And whenever I do /afk or /help, it says this: "Permissions manager is not accessable. Is the PermissionsEx plugin enabled?"
(There's probably more commands that have this error, but haven't found them yet)
Quite a few mistakes, actually.
First and foremost, if you're running a 1.9+ server, all of your groups will need an inheritance listed. See line 19 right here if the group is not going to actually be inheriting anything from other groups. I would recommend you make your groups inherit from each lower group, as you see in the example I've linked for you in this note.
• Lines 28-32: Incorrect permission nodes. If you are granting these permissions, add a space between the hyphen and the node. If you are negating these permissions, you will do so like this: - -permission.node
with 2 hyphens containing a space in between them and no space between the second hyphen and the node.
• Lines 33-36, 44-47, : Incorrect multiworld settings. Delete all 4 of these lines. (See the example linked above, if you need help with setting the correct indentation.) PEX does not allow prefixes based on the world that the use/group is currently in.
• Lines 42, 61: Avoid using hyphens, underscores ( _ ) or any other non-letter, non-number characters in the actual group names. These can be problematic to many plugins such as AutoRank, Essentials, WordRankUp, and more. Keep in mind that the prefix value for the group can be almost anything you want.
• Line 50: @starwarsfreak219 is not a permission node. :-) LOL! Delete this line.
• Line 57: The best permission node to give yourself as the server owner is actually permissions.*
and not the wildcard '*'
which gives you all of the permissions, even many that you don't want (but you don't know you don't want them, yet).
• Lines 58-60: This user entry is missing the UUID information. Typically this is because the user is using a hacked or otherwise illegal copy of Minecraft (if the client and server is 1.79 or later), or the server itself is Minecraft 1.7.2 or earlier. This sort of user and server (offline mode: true, in the file) is not supported by PEX and can cause many, many problems on the server. If a server is running in offline mode for these players to connect, PEX will not work on that server no matter what else you do correctly in the PEX files.
@Stormbow @starwarsfreak219
I removed line 50, I don't know who added that, I fixed the '*' and the space between the hyphen and node, didn't notice them :p
But the first paragraph is what I didn't understand, I'm running a 1.8.8 Spigot server but we have the Via Version plugin, which allows 1.9 and 1.10 users to join. Yeah, basically, I didn't understand the first paragraph.
(And /list doesn't work too, says the same thing as /afk and /help)
Show me your updated permissions.yml file. (Be sure to re-read my previous post too. I made a lot of edits and added more corrections that need to be made.)
The file is short, so I'll correct the whole thing with the notes I posted above. Give me about 5 minutes.
Here ya go. Try this file:
That's a 'closed set' where the group is not inheriting any permissions from any other group.
So, the space in-between the [ ], I can put a group to get commands from the group that I've inherited in the Starter group?
Nope. Look at line 39 and 40. That's how a group gains permissions that are listed in another group.
So, if I put let's say moderator group perms in the Starter inheritence [ ], it'll take everything from mod and 'duplicate' it into Starter?
If you delete the [ ]
after inheritance:
and add - Dev
under line 6, the "Starter" group would then gain all the permissions that the "Dev" group had listed.
The Owner group had no permissions listed at all, and it needs an inheritance for PEX to work, so I made it inherit the only group that actually had permission ("Starter").
(And I added one sample permission node.)
So Starter group won't get a perm from Owner, and every group has to have an inheritance for it to work?
Correct. Starter will only have the permissions listed after line 7, and doesn't inherit any permissions from any other group.
And every group needs an inheritance listed, even if it's not inheriting anything.
Starter doesn't need anything, that's why we have line 6 as it is. It's empty, nothing needs to be listed since it's not inheriting from other groups, but the inheritance section tag needs to be there, and we need to tell PEX that the group isn't inheriting anything (which we do with [ ] ).
Correct. Every group must have an inheritance section, but doesn't have to inherit anything.
Let's say
Admin group has world edit, and I don't want moderator to inherit from admin, since admin is closest to mod, can I [ ] mod
If you look at my example, you'll see the basic structure of a server, using the most common names for all of the groups. From lowest to highest, the groups are Guest > Member > Mod > Admin > Owner. You'll notice they're also in the same order as we read down the file; Guest is at the top of the groups:
section, Owner is at the bottom. When we look at the bottom of the groups:
section, at the Owner group, we see it inherits from the next group above it, Admin. Admin inherits from the group above it (Mod), and so on, and so on, up the list. When we get to the top, the Guest group is where all permissions originate, all of the most basic permissions on the server are granted there, so there is no inheritance, just the 'closed set' we discussed earlier.
A member of the "Owner" group in my example gets all the permissions of all the groups above it, since they all inherit the permissions above them. No one in the Guest group gets anything below it, no one in the Mod group gets anything below it, etc. This is because the groups don't inherit anything below the group, only above it.
Think of permissions as a waterfall, the water (permissions) are only passed downstream (down the waterfall, down to other groups that inherit from it).
(We don't normally go through dozens of posts to teach people how to use plugins. That's what Google and YouTube are for. ;-) So you're getting a special treat here.)
@Stormbow Well thank you <3
Correct. That gives the Owner group absolutely every permission from every plugin on the server, and then we only negate the ones the group does not want, above it.
And, technically, because of that permissions setup, the Owner group could have an inheritance like line 19 too, instead of inheriting from Admin.
The reason I had you give permissions.*
to yourself is so that you can have access to ALL of the PermissionsEx commands, no matter which group you are in, as you move around on your server to test things out and set things up.
Just asking, how do I give negative?
"Note: OP players must be given negative permissions to negate pandorrabounty.cantcollect and pandorrabounty.immune"
Look at line 29
Here it's just black, but in the actual yml, the 1 is red, how do I fix this? Should I do - playervaults.amount.'1'? (And the . is red too)
/pex group <group> add <permission>
So: /pex group Guest add -pandorrabounty.cantcollect
Use your group name, of course.
The coloring of the text within the file doesn't actually matter. That's caused by your text editor trying to be smart (by highlighting computer code programming) when it doesn't actually know what the hell you're typing.
cantcollect - not a plugin I have ever used or heard of, so you'll have to read that plugin's documentation (IF it even has any).
That's a Spigot plugin found here.
Wait, /pex group Guest add -pandorrabounty.cantcollect
Why - and shouldn't there be a space if I were to add it to perm in yml? to negate it. It shows up as -
in the file after the command is issued.
You can still reply to this, it just won't spam other people with emails now. (I think zml's gotten about 30 emails from this thread already.)
I'm going to go ahead and close this ticket now, since it seems the original problem is solved and we're just doing Q&A now. ;-)
The easiest way? Open the permissions.yml file and look at it. LOL
To see them all in-game: See the Commands List. /pex groups list
About the prefixes and suffixes, if you have ever entered Mineplex, (UH DUH XD) their ranks, they're next to their names, how do I create something like that?
(I will not be able to respond for at least an hour or so, busy, but will reply later!)
Prefix and Suffix are handled by EssentialsXChat (in your case, since you're Spigot and using EssentialsX). Somewhere in their config.yml, you decide what order everything is listed.
But, I've looked over the Ess config, nothing about prefixes and suffixes...
You didn't look very well. (That doesn't actually surprise me. :P )
Niice! You made one yourself! Well, I have to go sleep, it's 4:23 AM, cya!
Btw Storm, thank you for everything that you've done to help me and still helping me. <3
Yep. Lots of good posts over at the Official PEX Forums. If you need help again, post over there. That's where I help people most of the time; this site is for trouble tickets that I can't solve over there or that need @zml2008's attention. (He's the actual PEX programmer. I'm just the dude that fixes with easy problems.)
I solve most problems in less than 10 posts total over there.
And, you're welcome.
Your prefix/suffix tutorial is different T-T I found change-displayname, it's true, but the lines are different, yours is 32, mine is 9...
Can't find add-prefix-suffix And the #format, there's no #
- Stop your server.
- Delete the config.yml file that's inside the Essentials and/or EssentialsX folder.
- Start the server. EssentialsX will make a new config.yml file. If that file doesn't look like the example in the prefix/suffix guide, you'll need to find the people who made EssentialsXChat to ask them why all the other settings are missing and how those are modified. (I don't use Spigot on my server, so I'm not familiar with EssentialsXChat specifically.)
As for the OP stuff... Don't ever use OP. OP is for servers which use no plugins at all. Using OP on a server that does have plugins can make you think things are programmed correctly when they're actually not.
Since the /pl command is a vanilla command, you're not likely to be able to control it at all. Read this. There's nothing I can do about that. You can try negating bukkit.command.plugins
, but don't expect it to work (because it's a vanilla permission node, and as my link tells you, they're randomly controllable). You can always go look for a plugin to hide the plugins list, too. Personally, I never had a need to hide my plugins list.
But I still don't see #2 and #3 from your tutorial..
Line 525: # Defines the balance with which new players begin. Defaults to 0.
Line 599 & 600: format: '{DISPLAYNAME} {MESSAGE}'
#format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
Line 42: # When EssentialsChat.jar isn't used, force essentials to add the prefix and suffix from permission plugins to displayname.
- Where did you download your Essentials?
- What version is it? Are you 100% certain that version is for a Spigot 1.8.8 server? (Can you prove it?)
That file looks extremely old. On that assumption, I would delete that file and let Essentials create it anew. Then check the contents of the new file.
But I need those questions at the top here answered to help you any better than "delete it, get a new one".
You want me to delete the file and let the .jar create a new one?
I downloaded it from here
There is a MASSIVE amount of stuff missing compared to the discontinued "Essentials" config.yml from which EssentialsX was made.
Is there an EssentialsXChat folder or config file somewhere?
I don't see EssXChat in the Ess folder nor do I see it in the plugins section, but I see the EssXChat.jar, but not the file itself... 😆
And how do I make non-ops not able to see /pl? Because non-ops can do /pl and look, how do I make it say like, no plugins in here! or something like that?
Wait what... The link suddenly doesn't have anything and the new config is gone, it changed back into the normal one......
Do it over again, obviously.