


Help, The console tells me that the permissions.yml file is missing!!

zVqlrio opened this issue · 19 comments


How can I fix the problem? Please, help me fix this problem!

Console (ScreenShot):

] Edit by Stormbow: Removed permissions.yml file contents; doesn't need to be seen in this case. [


That line actually refers to the permissions.yml in your server's root folder, and not the plugsin\PermissionsEx\permissions.yml file which all of your permissions are listed in.

Only vanilla servers which use no plugins at all would use the root file that line is referring to.



If you run into any other PEX problems, you can still post in this thread.


When I do /pl, can not see PermissionsEx!

Sorry my english! :D


PermissionsEx is showing in red, or does not show up on the list at all?


Now I reinstall it and is green, but after a reload It does not show me anymore


does not show me anymore

Does not show what exactly? Your user information?


No does not show PermissionsEx in /pl and if I do /pex it say: Unkonw Command


What version of PEX are you using and did you download it from this page?


Get 1.23.4 and test the server. Do you get the same problem?


PermissionsEx-1.23.3, yes


Now PermissionsEx in /pl is red


Ok, that means there's a problem in your permissions.yml file.

Copy the permissions.yml file inside the plugins\PermissionsEx folder to Pastebin and leave the link in this thread.


OK. Give me a few minutes to look for the errors.


Ok, thanks! :D


Your file is actually out of order for almost all of your groups' settings.

Begin by looking at this example and make sure all of your options: sections have the correct information in them. By not putting the information in the correct place, PEX will malfunction.

You don't have to use all of the options: settings from the above link. Any of that information that you do use in your file needs to be put into the correct place. For example, almost all of your groups have the prefix: information outside of the options: section, so you'll need to move all of those into the correct location, under the options: section heading. (And indent them the correct amount, of course!)

Also, you only have to use default: true in one group. You don't need to list default: false in all the other groups, but it won't hurt anything if you do. (Doing so just makes your file unnecessarily long, like when you repeat the same permission nodes in every group.)

Since almost every group uses many of the same permission nodes that the "Newbie" group gets, you should consider making all of the other groups "inherit" the "Newbie" group's permissions:

    - Newbie

As you see in my example file, all of the groups inherit from the group before them, so even the "Admin" group in my example file gains the permission node (which is not a real permission node, from a real plugin— it's just an example of a permission node) that the "Guest" group has listed under permissions:.

Once you have your file organized correctly, according to my example, test the server again and let me know if you still need more help.


Omg is working your example! Now i try to change something


It's works! Thanks you a lot! :D


You're welcome. :-) Feel free to post here again if you run into any other PEX problems.