- 2
Command suggest
#2721 opened by SaitDev - 15
PEX Commands won't work
#2724 opened by vesko128 - 7
Player primary rank removed
#2725 opened - 1
SQL Error on Minecraft 1.8 server running PEX 1.23.2/2x(?)
#2726 opened by nopnse - 6
Groups have access to /plugins but they dont have the perm
#2722 opened by AnonymousHitman - 3
PermissionsEx 2.x Documentation
#2723 opened by EmanYm - 4
Mysql not syncing
#2730 opened by woodzykiler - 1
Only UIDD without names
#2731 opened by JavituRec - 2
groups prefixes and per world things
#2732 opened by PipinellaPlays - 4
PEX not adding new players to the default group.
#2733 opened by AncientTom - 1
PEX 1.23.3 | Unix(?) | SQL issue
#2734 opened by DraculaPrince - 2
#2727 opened by mickedplay - 3
Ranks colors
#2728 opened by MineServidorCraft - 2
Too Many Arguments
#2729 opened by Crueldog - 50
No commands work when i give players there ranks
#2735 opened by LilKitten23 - 4
unfriendly exceptions thrown when curse is down
#2736 opened by smmmadden - 5
[PEX 2.x] Ranking Ladder Issue
#2739 opened by MrFoolz - 9
group inhartance not working
#2740 opened by woodzykiler - 5
I do not have permission to do /pex
#2741 opened by HeffaiDK - 12
Error with Permissions (Bukkit)
#2742 opened by Zodwin - 1
getting Permission Groups for Sponge
#2737 opened by Nafi-R - 4
I'm not quite sure why but Perrmissons Ex wont work at all
#2738 opened by gumguy99 - 1
How does PEX handle UUID
#2747 opened by jfernandz - 18
PEX Not Enabled???
#2743 opened by Sunboyz21 - 9
My PEX Isn't working.
#2744 opened by GrassyPlayz - 5
My PEX wont work...
#2745 opened by alexdcramer - 9
Accidentally did something to my name and now i cant fix it....
#2746 opened by gumguy99 - 8
Group add/del/set permission nodes
#2749 opened by jfernandz - 5
Why not updated?
#2750 opened - 2
PermissionsEx-1.23.3 Maven
#2751 opened by GrimyDevelopment - 2
Negate Perms
#2752 opened by Sunboyz21 - 1
Order of grades
#2748 opened by rodnicho - 7
PEX Prefixes Not Working
#2754 opened by Sunboyz21 - 5
Certain Pex group not working please help
#2755 opened by gumguy99 - 1
Entering in permissions exactly how the guides says to, but nothing works
#2753 opened by Aperture-Turret - 33
Issues with creating groups
#2757 opened by AceAI2 - 5
How to Actually Integrate with PEX
#2758 opened by Jimmeh94 - 2
Inconsistent results when adding and removing perms through code
#2756 opened by OasisArtisan - 4
The Group name is showing up as the prefix and can't be configured.
#2763 opened by Luckexeric - 3
Players cannot /spawn
#2764 opened by AceAI2 - 29
Pex user "Nme" add * doesn't work please help.
#2765 opened by Apperation - 2
Not a problem, but a GREAT idea!
#2759 opened by DoubleThePsycho - 3
#2760 opened by mrmiijo - 2
Is there any way to avoid autocomplete?
#2762 opened by Stormbow - 0
Is there any way to avoid autocomplete?
#2761 opened by Stormbow - 3
[PEX 1.23.4] PermissionsEx permissions not working when changing world directory
#2766 opened by Eldicor - 2
Is PEX dead? [No. PEX 1.23.4 works for 1.11.2 servers.]
#2768 opened by Porama6400 - 32
PermissionsEx Problems
#2769 opened by Luddy92423 - 3
Get All Perms
#2770 opened by Techno3600 - 10
PEX User being in multiple groups.
#2767 opened by Hadesone11