Chest protection Bypass bug.
vvmattozzvv opened this issue ยท 5 comments
I run a survival/RPG server, I want people to be able to protect a 3x3 area (configured to use a sponge) so they can protect some chests so no-one can steal there valuables, you can fit 13 small chests in the best layout. However there is a slight bug:
x x
x x
Using a Xthis layout of chests around the 3x3 area anyone can come and place another chest next to the field to make it a double chest and access there stuff like this:
xx xx
xx xx
The aditional chest is represented by another x so anyone can come and open there protected chests, I hope this was explained in the best way... Is there a feature you can add so no-one can place a chest next to there field?
- Matt
I pretty much get it, if the chest is inside protection and you put one next to it which is outside you can steal the guys stuff.