


preciousstone - world specific permissions

aedgar opened this issue ยท 1 comments



What is the specific permission to allow only one type of preciousstone to be placed? - you said I can find this information on the wiki help page but there is no reference.

My problem - I want to have 4 types of precious stones running on my server. I have 3 preciousstones in the normal world, these are functioning correctly - I have my permissions setup with the required limits for my normal members and VIP members.

I want to have 1 extra preciousstone that can only be placed in the netherworld - BUT I only want to allow this one type of preciousstone to be placed in that world. Ideally it would be great to have an addtional pstone tag named world and then you add the parameters of worlds eg. world: world_nether

If this is not possible could someone give me some sort of work around for this problem?

I use groupmanger and can setup a different permssions config for world and world_nether.


Added 'allowed-worlds' field flag. It is a list of allowed worlds the field can be placed in i.e. allowed-worlds: [world, nether].