[Feature Request] add rent city protection
fonkfader opened this issue ยท 6 comments
just an idea if its possible to add rent city protection field for another player, for example a player made a house protected by a city block and want to rent out it, so he put a sign/command with :
rent d
another player bought it and he add acces to this protected zone for 1 day and when he want to stop rent i just type : /ps rent stop...
Sign format:
line1: [tag]
line2: price
line3: rent period
line4: multiple
Example for a city lot (using economy money for rent):
30 credits
Example for a public GodStone (emerald per use):
1 (388)
Example for a Lot with a house on it (selling for diamond block):
15 (57)
Renting gives you allow access to the field for the specific amount of time. The player can mine, change blocks and do anything except modify or remove the field. The owner will still have rights to the area, but he will not be able to modify the sign, break the block, disable it, change its name, change its radius, or enter drawing mode. After you rent the field it's the tag will turn RED signifying that its occupied.
Sharing allows multiple players to rent the same field, used for public areas, mines, pay per use launchers, Miner's haste, godstone and what not. It's tag will turn GOLD when at least one person is renting the field.
Buying changes the owner of the block (the original owner will lose all rights) automatically.
The price is made up of two numbers, the amount of the item first, then in parenthesis the item/block id of the item you are selling the field, or its contents for. (i.e. 10 (266) means ten gold ingots)
The rent period can be in weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds or a combination of up to three (e.g. 5w) (e.g. 5h 30m 5s). This only applies to rent or shared fields.
The multiple is how many of the rent periods a player can pay back-to-back (or at the same time) before forcing the rent period to run out on its own before he can re-buy, limiting this will allow others who are waiting to use your property a chance to rent (e.g. 5x, will allow him to buy up to five rent periods back to back). If left blank means players can re-buy an unlimited amount of times, potentially indefinitely.
Whenever a payment is made to any field, the player will receive it immediately if hes online. If he is offline the items/blocks are stored on the database until he signs on at which time he will receive his dues. If his inventory is too full to receive any more items, the remainder sum will stay stored until he makes room and logs back on.
Right-Click (on sign) - Purchases one rent period (can click multiple times to purchase more)
Left-Click (on sign) - View the field details (basic info, flags, and other shared tennants) and will visualize an outline of the field to get a good view of the area it covers. If it is being occupied, it will show who the tenant is and how long they have left on their rent.
Shift-Right-Click (on sign) - Abandons your current rent.
Left-Click (on sign) - List out your current tenants and their rent periods.
could you use these features. from simpleregionmarket
Set days re rent for x times. So someone can re-rent it over for that x time. I used simple regionmarket for worldguard regions but evertime i pull a backup or mess wth regions it removed the simpleregionmarket. New featurs on ps would be better!
Rerent example: sorry its 330am. I put 5 days on sign, minutes, hours ect, than they hit it twice and get 10 days, and in the config u can set re-rentable options. so 5 would be 25 days that way someone can pay for mroe time upfront or not, if they wont be on.
I have been thinking alot about this request and I think more could be added to make it more useful
As stated before you could have a protected area be rented out by a sign with:
(Amount of time)
As stated by Underbalanced, someone could rent the place for extended periods if clicked multiple times.
Unless this have been requested before, I think it would be a good idea for land to be sold by signs too. With the second row as Buy and the 3rd left blank.
Once the sign is clicked the sign is destroyed and ownership of the PS is changed over. If the PS has a name it could say "You are now the owner of [set name]"