


Pistons & Unbreakable Blocks

aciidic opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Please make it so if pistons are in the unbreakable blocks list, then it will allow pushing of blocks that are inside fields also owned by the owner.

Please add to feature suggestions


Bump? Suggested this 3 weeks ago and dev said it was possible fix so please implement?


I believe you can do this yourself.
FYI: Piston block ID: 33

So, go into your PreciousSTones\config.yml

Locate this code:

bypass-blocks: []
unbreakable-blocks: []
unprotectable-blocks: []

Change it to this:

bypass-blocks: []

  • 33
    unprotectable-blocks: []

I am talking about unbreakables, that is all I am using. Pistons cant move unbreakable blocks so I'm suggesting to add the blocks owned by same person next to piston, under the same protection


This was already set up, if the piston is inside a field then it can move blocks inside that field. What it cannot do is be sitting outside a field and move blocks inside a field. Also what it cannot do is move any unbreakable or field blocks whether inside or outside fields due to the fact that fields and unbreakables are stored by location on the database.